TSR Reaper of Life

The TSR Reaper of Life was the flag ship of the Tzynn Star Empire's push to capture Kel-Azaa and break the defensive lines around the Starlight Alliance.   In 2377 under the command of Vroshathyr Cozamalotl, the fleets of the Tzynn lay siege to the Kel-Azaan homeworld. While the fleets started out relatively evenly matched, the tide shifted when the Reaper of Life deployed it super weapon, a weapon capable of creating matter/antimatter reactions at range resulting in blasts that ripped through the Kel-Azaan defensive fleets. The Reaper of Life was too large for any single ship of the Starlight Alliance to fight and attacking clusters of ships were destroyed by the antimatter cannon.   The USS Nightingale was watching the combat and Chief Science Officer Kixi devised a plan and took control of half of the Kel-Azaan fleet to create a targeted blast against the local star to cause it to trigger a beam of stellar energy that cut through the Reaper of Life and decimated the rest of the Tzynn fleet.   The crew of the Nightingale boarded the ship trying to recover information and rescue survivors. Most of the crew of the Reaper of Life abandoned the ship however enough remained behind that th Federation crew became engaged in a series of firefights that caused the death of Cmn. Max. While First Officer Sel secured an escape transport and freed imprisoned slaves, Chief Security Officer Vax engaged the Vroshathyr in combat and was able to take him prisoner.   As the ship disintigrated around them, the crew and their prisoner were beamed aboard the Nighitingale, rescuing Po. Quint and Cmn Avison who had gotten trapped in a collapsing section of the ship and ejected into space.
Creation Date
Destruction Date
Owning Organization