Vroshathyr Cozamalotl (Vro-sha-tear Kah-zah-mah-lot-ul)

Cozamalotl served as the Vroshathyr of the Tzynn Star Empire's Southern Offensive. The Vroshathyr, translated as meaning "lords of war", are equivalent to Fleet Admirals and direct entire offensives. As is customary for Tzynn warriors, Cozamalotl led from the front lines commanding the battle from his flagship, the TSR Reaper of Life.   Cozamalotl has been in charge of the Southern Offensive since 2368 and his progress has garnered him great respect within the Tzynn elite. The only black mark on his campaign has been the inability to break the Starlight Alliance's defense of the Kel-Azaan homeworld. Cozamalotl has thrown multiple fleets at Kel-Azaa and every time has been forced to withdraw.   In 2377 he launched a massive attack on Kel-Azaa and it seemed like the defensive lines were buckling. The USS Nightingale was observing the battle and seeing the tide turning they launched a desperate counter attack by using the remains of the Kel-Azaan fleets to disrupt the star and trigger a solar discharge that cut the Reaper of Life in half and decimated most of the Tzynn fleet.
The crew of the Nightingale boarded the Reaper of Life and Cozamalotl ended up in personal combat against Lt. Thanum. Cozamalotl was about to kill Thanum when the Tzynn admiral was shot and stunned by Lt.Kixi. The away team was able to depart the Reaper of Life before it completely disintigrated and were able to finally communicate with the Tzynn through Cozamalotl.   Cozamalotl offered them safe passage to observe the progress of what he deemed the real threat to the Typhon Expanse: The XT-489 Exterminators. With Cozamalotl's blessing they were able to cross into Tzynn space and witness the massacre of Bastion. Cozamalotl was eventually released from Federation imprisonment however his promises of a cease fire were short lived as tensions between the Tzynn and Starlight Alliance erupted triggering renewed conflict.   It is currently unknown what has happened to Cozamalotl after being returned to the Tzynn.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2322 59 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations