Attlegrave Cemetary (At-tul-grave)

Attlegrave is overseen by a Aven named Vecken. The district has family generations of overseeing the cemetery, but Vecken's family started out as grave diggers and indentured workers.


All history of Attlegrave is recorded in a large book, meticulously kept up by the Office of the Procedurals of Attlegrave. The current keeper, Vecken, is just as passionate about keeping the integrity of the cemetary recrods.


Death and dying in Ofrary can be a complicated process and not everyone wishes to have their families buried. Some families may do an open-sea funeral, floating their loved one out to the treacherous sea to hopefully pass through the unseen barrier that keeps the rest of us here. Others prefer to bury on their family farm land.


More recently, with the Child Gods (particularly Olris) being introduced to Ofrary, many of those who have died are option for ceremonial cremation in respect to Olris.


500 years ago...

Something happened to the temple and the land 500 years ago that was akin to an apocalyptic event. Maybe the keeper of the cemetary has more information?


Attelgrave has struggled over centuries with the ever-changing landscape. Because Attlegrave is apart of the coast, saltwater marshes creep yearly into the plainsland, particularly so in more wet years. The district has wide plains and hilly land where most of the dead over centuries have remained buried.


Atop the largest hill is the Temple, or one of Vaeruin's oldest Hoffs (temples dedicated specifically to the Old God). This temple is currently in disrepair following unknown natural disasters to the region. Its previous inhabitants have not resided or returned for centuries, taking the disaster as a divine sign of Olvdir's displeasure.


The final hundreds of acres back into woods near Beaconberry.

Localized Phenomena

Around the Temple, locals to Attlegrave have reported strange activity of people moving in and out. This has inspired rumours of the Temple being used by worshiping cultists.


Besides this, the graveyard acres are full of spirits and other intangible beings. The inhabitants as well as the visitors alike know and respect the dead and the unknown.

Fauna & Flora

The mixed landscape and largely uninhabited acreage provides more than adequate habitat for flora and fauna great and small. The marshy land has amphibious and reptilian inhabitants that hide among rare and nearly tropical plants in the more overgrown splashes. The plainsland houses thousands of deer, elk, moose, buffalo, and packs of canids that roam along the entirety of western Vaeruin.


The Attlegrave 'District' is largely untamed after an apocalyptic event changed the landscape several hundred years ago (nearly half a century) and only parts of his sprawling thousands of acres can be used as acceptable burial grounds.


Due to its isolation and quiet, untouched landscape, Attlegrave can be a perfect "hideaway" for some. Mostly, these hideaways are grief-stricken people who wish to live close to their buried loved ones. The keepers of Attlegrave have given up on managing the inhabitants with an attitude of: "lThey will be here whether we tell them to go or not."

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