
Franrood is the oldest district in Ofrary and the highest populated. The district is known for old neighborhoods with proud pasts, reliable shops, comforting restaurants, affordable taverns, and friendly culture.


The district feels like a large neighbordhood, especially with how many people are present in the center square. Events and gatherings happen almost daily and usually impromptu. Whenever Ofrary has a holiday event, Franrood central square is the location!

  Notable locations:

Glass Dog Armory, owned by halfie Orc Kregrer Rug. A favorite armory and weaponsmith, endorsed by the Governor himself.


Spare Time General Store, a very large and very old store that has pretty much anything that a general person could want! Owned by a family who literally lives in the store, they tend to see customers as guests.


Woodheart Inn and Tavern. While there are dozens of taverns in Franrood and possibly a hundred in Ofrary itself, Woodheart is the one most recommended by locals. The owner is a no-nonsense kind of person who provides what he promises: low rates, hot meals, and good drinks. The no-frills approach attracts regulars from all over Vaeruin.


Living in Franrood

Not quite as blue-collar as Shrewman, Franrood is a middle class neighborhood with deep history and culture. Residents are often proud of their modest income and household and content to stay for generations.


There is a neighborly culture to Franrood that encourages the individual to look out for one another. While this means that many of the less fortunate are taken care of by temple clerics or fellow do-gooders, this also sometimes means nosey neighbors and bold panhandlers!


Before the The Shaken Jar, many would participate in group acts of worship or reverence to The God of Endings regularly and proudly. Now, a large portion of Franrood have swapped religious practices for Olris at the encouragement of the Governor.

Founding Date
305 OV
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank