Mulligan Mines

Mulligan Mines is technically considered a "district" of Ofrary, but it really is simply a collection of profitable mines. These mines are so large and expansive, and so many people live or work in the camp grounds, that it has been labelled an official district for over a hundred years.


The mines are named after the Mulligan family name but are technically owned by the Capital itself. The Mulligans, however, still own the largest, first, and most profitable company. There are other enterprises or companies that buy out contracts to work the mines, but these are largely seasonal or small-scale in comparison.


Notable locations:

The mining camp grounds are tents or small shacks that workers and their families live in.


The mines have a central entrance, managed by the foremans of the contract companies, or Mulligan Enterprises.


Living in the Mines

It's a hard life, living on the mine campgrounds. Rent is usually docked from paychecks and there isn't much left to go around. The children of workers usually congregate and get into all sorts of trouble to avoid being sent into the mines themselves. Historically, this was an accepted, yet often deadly or dangerous, practice. Though, ever since Petrus the Green went into office, child labor has been definitively made illegal. Furthermore, it is illegal to reinstate any sort of child employement in Ofrary ever again.


Most people plan to live a short time in the mine campgrounds, scrape together enough money, and then move out. Yet, every year there seems to be the same faces signing the same leases.

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