
The Shrewman district of Ofrary, is a small, historic collection of modest homes. The rich history of Shrewman comes from some of the earliest settlers in Ofrary. Before Lacroft and Bexbalt, there was the tiny hamlets that housed the newest settlers of Vaeruin, determined to make a new life. Shrewman is the first series of small shops and neighborhoods that a traveller would see as they travel from the Black Forest.


Shrewman is known for being made up of older buildings surrounding a small, historic town square. Most of the inhabitants are elderly and their homes in various states of restoration or repair, depending on their financial ability. There is a sense of comraderie in Shewman, though many newcomers might feel a bit out of place or unwelcomed.


Notable locations:

Nightcrafts is a craft and sewing supply store, ran by an elderly Demon-Halfie. Half of the building is her shop, the upstairs her dwelling. The store is notorious due to the urban legend among the youth that the owner is actually a demon, and that's why she only opens her shop at night.


The Old Capital Library is a historical site that houses books and other mementos from a different time. It is hardly visited in comparison to the offical Capital library in Oxred, but this was Ofrary's actual first library.


Living in Shrewman

Houses are hardly ever up for sale here, kept within families or saved by historic restoration services. It is rumoured that there is a plan to turn Shrewman as a whole into a sort of historical park or walkable museum, not much unlike how Atrary has a whole section of a historical district simply preserved like an outdoor museum. The locals have not accepted this rumor positively.


Unless retired and living simply, supported by their wealth or families, most residents here work at various places throughout Ofrary. It can be inconvenient to live in Shrewman, having to commute to work elsewhere in the Capital.

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