
Lacroft is the wealthiest district in Ofrary and one of the oldest. The district is known for beautiful shops, specialized restaurants, high class taverns, and night life.


Wealthy and well-known civilians seek to make Lacroft's centuries-old estates and the newer, extravagant townhomes their own legacies. Over the last century, more and more young Ofrarians have been able to buy into the old estates, breathing new life into the district.


Notable locations:

The Abracapothecary, a themed magic shop ran by an ecentric mage.


Lettuce Eat, cutting edge vegan tavern owned by a locally famous Loxodon named Tirto Irawan


Wild Bear Oddities, a store that sells odd bits and baubles. Owned by an elderly halfie named Gerdil Daeralei.


Mermaid Inn, a lovely and quaint inn that does not break pocketbooks but still provides the finer comforts of life in Lacroft.


Brass Hotel and Tavern, an extravagant mansion on the outskirts of Lacroft District converted into a tavern and hotel. It only has 12 rooms, and you have to know someone who knows someone to get a reservation. Their tavern is open to the general public, but its prices deter most commonfolk.


Living in Lacroft

Those who live in Lacroft come from wealth or worked hard to make enough to pretend to come from wealth. In most recent years, a migration of younger folk moving into the district has naturally made the area less "stuff" and "stiff". Though, depending on the neighborhood, stuffy and stiff is exactly what vibe the inhabitants might be going for.


Most people who afford to live here work as successful business owners or are foreman of large labor companies. Some are healers or medical professionals, others come from money, and the smallest slice of inhabitants are just lucky enough to find the resources to stay afloat.

Founding Date
310 OV
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location
Notable shops:

Articles under Lacroft