Black Dragon Species in Valine | World Anvil
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Black Dragon

Apart from their fondness of bargaining, black dragons are the most vile-tempered and ruthless of the chromatic dragons. Black dragons have a longer body and smaller tail than other dragons.   The upper portion of the neck is often adorned with a big frill. They have a terrible odor, similar to decaying plants and filthy water, or the strong acid they may exhale.    Black dragons are ferocious hunters who prefer to strike from water. They frequently feed on smaller and younger fish, crabs, birds, turtles, crocodiles,  grippli, bullywugs, saurians, hydras, and green dragon young. Green dragons and swampwyrms are among their foes.    Black dragons aren't known for being wonderful parents, preferring to safeguard their eggs through disguise and hiding rather than guarding them. During incubation, black dragon eggs must be immersed in a strong acid. Their wyrmlings are particularly vicious, having voracious appetites for almost any organic food. The scales of a black dragon get lighter as it ages, eventually becoming almost purple in color.   A huge cave or subterranean cavern close to a swamp or murky pond is where a black dragon usually dwells. Their lairs always have two entrances: one below ground, through the surrounding swamp/pond, and one above ground, hidden among the vegetation. Black dragons prefer ambushes over outright confrontation in battle. They are merciless and nasty opponents, and their corrosive bile can readily penetrate even the thickest armor. Because of their densely forested environments, they are usually unable to fly very high in battle and, even in open skies, will tend to stay closer to the ground.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A black dragon can breathe, or more accurately spit, a line of highly corrosive acid.

Ecology and Habitats

Black dragons are almost always encountered in swamps and wetlands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Black dragons subsist upon fish, mollusks, aquatic creatures, and some red meat from terrestrial animals.
Black Dragon

Cover image: Creature of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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