Silver Dragon Species in Valine | World Anvil
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Silver Dragon

Silver dragons are the second most powerful of the metallic dragons, and are true friends to all. Like other dragons, silvers think they are the most powerful creatures on the planet. They, on the other hand, love the companionship of civilized species and are enthralled by the societies that these lower beings have built and their overall inventiveness.   The silver dragon looks to be quite similar to the white dragon at first glance. The silver's wings are more curled than a white's, however, and it has two talons on its wings instead of the single talon found on other dragons. They have a rainy scent about them.   A bed of snow is where silver dragons lay their eggs. A newly hatched silver wyrmling has blue gray scales that become silver over time. Silver wyrmlings are clever, friendly, curious, and lovely creatures.   Unlike the gold or bronze dragon, the silver dragon does not usually go out of its way to bring justice to the world. Instead, it waits for others to ask for help. Silver dragons will attempt to right an injustice if they see one, but they have no inclination to intentionally seek evil out and destroy it. They are more interested in protecting the humans or elves they have come to care for than in looking for evil. Like most metallic dragons, silvers do not enjoy combat, and are averse to killing. If forced to fight, however, they are as deadly as any other dragon.   The scales of a silver wyrmling are blue-gray with silver accents. The color of the dragon steadily brighter as it matures, until the individual scales are hardly discernible. The pupils of the silver dragons' elders resemble molten mercury orbs.   They are incredibly clever, even more so than most other dragons, extremely strong, breathtakingly gorgeous,  statuesque and majestic.   Silver dragons, like white dragons, have a breath weapon that is extremely frigid. A second breath weapon, a cone of paralyzing gas, is possessed by some. Red dragons are silver dragons' favorite foe since these chromatic dragons have a knack for devastation. Furthermore, silvers and reds prefer the same type of mountainous terrain for lairs, resulting in territorial disputes as well as mindsets and philosophies that are at odds with one another.   The majority of silver dragons form "clans," informal groups of dragons who prefer to live together as a family. Clans are collectively responsible for the protection and upbringing of their wyrmlings. Although a senior member of the clan may serve as a leader, there is no genuine leader. Silver dragons are unconcerned about maintaining a rigid social order since they like to live as honestly as possible. Many silver dragons, on the other hand, depart their clans for extended periods of time to dwell near to nondragons.   The primary entrance to a silver dragon's lair is usually situated within an icy mountain, and it is only accessible by air. The silver dragon's lair is comparable to the gold dragon's in terms of elegance and design, albeit it is considerably less detailed. A typical lair will have a main entertainment area, a storage room, a vault, a sleeping chamber, study, library, shrine, and two clinic rooms where the dragon may provide assistance and protection to anyone in need. In case of an emergency, the lair will have a hidden back entrance.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Silver dragons breathe a cone of cold and ice particles. Many can also breathe a cloud of paralyzing gas.

Ecology and Habitats

High mountains, the colder the better, are the preferred locations for silver dragon lairs, but they are comfortable making temporary (though temporary for a silver dragon can be decades) homes in suitable locations within a couple of hundred miles of a large humanoid settlement that they have taken a liking to.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Almost anything. Silver dragons love tasting new things.
Silver Dragon

Cover image: Creature of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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