Gold Dragon Species in Valine | World Anvil
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Gold Dragon

The most powerful metallic dragons are gold dragons. Gold dragons are likewise extremely impressive in terms of appearance. Their wings, like those of brass and copper dragons, are attached to the body from the tip of the tail to the tip of the body. The general design resembles that of a brass dragon from below, but the distinct colour and dramatic size difference make it simple to distinguish. The gold dragon's wings ripple in flight, creating the impression that it is swimming rather than flying. They have a saffron and incense scent.   The only dragons who sit on their eggs as they incubate are gold dragons. The appearance of a newly born gold wyrmling is similar to that of an adult. Both parents tend to the eggs before becoming deeply involved in the care and teaching of their wyrmlings. The original parents may, however, transfer the wyrmling to live with foster parents at some time, exposing the wyrmling to new experiences.   Gold dragons, unlike many other dragon species, have an extremely rigid and hierarchical social structure that encompasses all members of the species, despite the vast distances between family groups. This cooperative, the closest thing found in dragonkind to a civilized society, is always led by a gold dragon, who is given the title "Your Resplendence", with their home area serving as a gathering point for all the gold dragons, who meet there once every ten years. At that time, all gold dragons gather to elect, or re-elect, their kind's leader for the following decade. It is possible that two dragons will be chosen; in this event, the two will split the leadership tasks and the next gathering will be held near the home of one of the pair, chosen by lot. The role of leader, or 'top dragon,' entails not so much maintaining order - gold dragons are known for their exemplary behavior and honesty - as it does giving counsel and knowledge to those dragons that want it. Gold dragons are voracious learners, and they tend to become very wise and worldly as they age. They freely share their knowledge and experience to anyone who asks, dragon or not.   Unlike most other dragon species, gold dragons dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to the construction of their lairs. Their lairs are so typically designed to seem like magnificent humanoid houses, albeit buried below ground, that scholars have speculated that the design of such mansions in the world originated with the lairs of the gold dragons. The gold dragon's rooms are well-built and tastefully adorned with the numerous art treasures it has amassed during its lifetime. A main hall, a banquet hall, a resting chamber, a study, a kitchen, a lobby, a storage room, and maybe even a lavatory are typical rooms in a gold dragon's lair. Many gold dragons, especially those that reside underwater, have a glass-walled observatory.   Gold dragons would rather converse than battle. If they feel conflict is needless, they will not engage in it. They are, nevertheless, incredibly strong opponents once they decide it is required. Their capacity to breathe fire is comparable to that of the most powerful red dragons, and they will commit their entire being to the fight once begun.  Although gold dragons despise killing, they will not hesitate to do it if it is essential to vanquish an opponent who has wronged them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Gold dragons breathe an inferno of fire and some are also capable of breathing a gas which weakens those in the surrounding area.

Ecology and Habitats

Gold dragons can be found in any type of climate, but they prefer seclusion from other species and even other kinds of dragon.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gold dragons eat gemstones and pearls, supplementing with plant life. They do not eat any living creatures, though they will feast on the undead. Indeed, without the gold dragons dining upon the undead horde during the twenty years of undead infestation from 169-189, Valine would be a very different looking world.
Gold Dragon

Cover image: Creature of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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