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27. Elder Manor: Walled Manor House

This place has an eight foot high stone wall and a heavy gate. It is obviously the residence of some well-to-do folk, and easily defensible in times of trouble.
Elder Manor is a well-defended walled manor house located on the east end of the village of Hommlet, just across the Long Road northwest of the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site. Home to the village Elder Kenter Sr., and his family, the manor serves as a residence and a sanctuary in times of trouble. With its high stone walls and sturdy gate, Elder Manor stands as a symbol of stability and leadership in Hommlet.

Location and Structure

Elder Manor is situated on the eastern outskirts of Hommlet, north of the ongoing Doomwatch Keep construction. The manor is enclosed by an eight-foot-high stone wall, complete with a heavy wooden gate that enhances its defensibility. The manor house itself is a large, well-maintained structure, reflecting the prosperity and status of its inhabitants.
Key Features
  • Stone Wall: Eight feet high, providing security and privacy.
  • Heavy Gate: Sturdy and defensible, controlled access to the manor.
  • Main House: Spacious and well-appointed, housing the elder and his extended family.
  • Stables: Housing horses and quarters for servant girls and a hired farmhand.

Lore and History

Elder Manor has been the residence of the village elder for generations, serving as both a home and a center of governance. Kenter Sr., the current elder, inherited the manor from his predecessors and has maintained its status as a bastion of safety and leadership.
Role in the Community
The manor has historically been a place of refuge for villagers during times of conflict or natural disaster. Its fortified walls and ample space allow it to accommodate those seeking shelter, reinforcing its importance within the community.


Elder Manor is home to Elder Kenter Sr., his wife Valsenora, their four grown sons, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren. The household also includes two servant girls and a hired farmhand. All the inhabitants are followers of The Old Faith, and the sons, along with the hired hand, are members of the village militia.
Daily Life
Life at Elder Manor revolves around both domestic routines and governance. The elder and his family manage the fields and livestock, while also addressing the needs and concerns of the village. The servant girls and farmhand assist with daily chores, ensuring the smooth running of the household.

Motivation and Relationships

Elder Kenter Sr. is motivated by a deep sense of duty to protect and guide the villagers of Hommlet. His role as Justice of the Peace involves mediating disputes, making decisions for the welfare of the community, and ensuring that laws are upheld.
Community Ties
The elder maintains strong relationships with key figures in the village, including:
  • Jaroo, the Druid of the Grove: Leader of the Old Faith in Hommlet.
  • Terjon, Cleric of St. Cuthbert: Religious leader of the Church of St. Cuthbert.
  • Elmo's Father: Captain of the militia.
  • Ostler: Innkeeper of the Welcome Wench.
  • Mytch: The village miller.
  • Lord Burne and Lord Rufus: Retired adventurers and key defenders of Hommlet.


In times of crisis, Elder Manor serves as a sanctuary for villagers. Its defensible position and ample space make it an ideal refuge, and the elder’s leadership ensures that order is maintained during such times.

Current Events

Elder Kenter Sr. continues to hold regular village meetings, addressing concerns and hearing complaints from the villagers. His decisions, made with input from the village council, help maintain peace and order in Hommlet.
Construction of Doomwatch Keep
The construction of Doomwatch Keep nearby has brought additional activity and concerns to the manor. The elder monitors the progress of the keep and works closely with Lord Burne and Lord Rufus to ensure the safety of the village.
Bandit Threats
With the rise in bandit activity along the Long Road, Elder Manor's role as a refuge has become even more critical. The elder coordinates with the village militia to respond to any threats and protect the inhabitants of Hommlet.
Family Treasure
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In a secret compartment in the bedroom is an iron box which contains 428 gp, 100 pp, and four pieces of jewelry (worth 400, 900, 2000, and 5000 gp). His silver dinnerware is valued at 3,750 gp, and the several gold dishes are worth a total of 2,300 gp. The elder and his sons each carry about 10 gp worth of various coins in their purses.
Elder Kenter Sr.'s Opinions on the Rise of Bandits
Elder Kenter Sr., a respected leader in Hommlet, has been deeply concerned about the rise of banditry in the area. His wisdom and experience have guided the village through many challenges, and his insights on the current bandit situation are invaluable. Here are seven comments and opinions Elder Kenter Sr. has shared regarding the bandit menace and the collaborative efforts of Burne, Rufus, Militia Captain Zeb Fletcher, and himself.
Bandit Threat Assessment
"The surge in bandit activities is alarming. It's not just an economic issue; it's a threat to the safety and stability of our village. We must address it with utmost urgency."
Strategic Collaboration with Burne and Rufus
"Burne and Rufus have shown remarkable leadership and strategic acumen. Their efforts in organizing defenses and training our militia have been crucial in our response to the bandit threat."
Militia Captain Fletcher's Role
"Captain Fletcher's dedication to protecting Hommlet is commendable. His efforts in increasing patrols and rallying the militia have bolstered our defenses significantly."
Unified Leadership
"Our unified leadership is our greatest strength. By working together, Burne, Rufus, Captain Fletcher, and I can coordinate our efforts and ensure a comprehensive response to the bandit menace."
Community Vigilance
"The safety of our village depends not only on our leaders but also on the vigilance of every villager. I urge everyone to stay alert and report any suspicious activities immediately."
Economic Impact and Recovery
"The disruption of trade has had a profound impact on our local economy. We are working tirelessly to secure the trade routes and recover stolen goods to restore prosperity to Hommlet."
Call for Support
"I call upon all residents of Hommlet to support our efforts. Whether through joining the militia, providing intelligence, or simply staying vigilant, every contribution matters in our fight against the bandits."


Elder Manor stands as a beacon of stability and leadership in Hommlet, embodying the wisdom and dedication of Elder Kenter Sr. and his family. As the village navigates the challenges of construction, bandit threats, and governance, the manor remains a crucial sanctuary and center of community life. With its strong ties to key figures and its role as a refuge in times of crisis, Elder Manor is integral to the safety and prosperity of Hommlet.
Elder Manor of Hommlet by 3orcs

Kenter Family

Elder Kenter Sr.: The village leader and Justice of the Peace, known for his wisdom and fairness.
  • Role: Village leader and Justice of the Peace
  • Age: 67, Religion: Old Faith
Elder Kenter Sr by 3orcs
Valsenora: Kenter Sr.'s wife, a respected goodwife and mother.
  • Role: Kenter Sr.'s wife
  • Age: 56, Religion: Old Faith
Kenter Jr.: The eldest son, who assists in managing the manor and serves in the militia.
  • Role: Eldest son, assists in managing the manor and serves in the militia
  • Age: 34, Religion: Old Faith; Equipped with scale armor, shield, longsword, and spear
Hawthorne: The second son, also involved in the militia and the management of the fields.
  • Role: Second son, involved in militia and field management
  • Age: 31, Religion: Old Faith; Carries scale armor, shield, longsword, and spear
Pelham: The third son, part of the militia and responsible for livestock.
  • Role: Third son, responsible for livestock and militia duties
  • Age: 29, Religion: Old Faith; Wields scale armor, shield, longsword, and spear
Willem: The youngest son, a militia member and caretaker of the stables.
  • Role: Youngest son, militia member and caretaker of the stables
  • Age: 26, Religion: Old Faith; Uses scale armor, shield, longsword, and spear
Maggie: Kenter Jr.'s wife, involved in household management.
  • Role: Kenter Jr.'s wife
  • Age: 30, Religion: Old Faith
Katherine: Hawthorne's wife, assists with the children and household tasks.
  • Role: Hawthorne's wife
  • Age: 28, Religion: Old Faith
Searcy, Mallory, and Kenter III: The grandchildren, growing up under the guidance of their family.
  • Role: Hawthorne's son
  • Age: 12, Religion: Old Faith
  • Role: Hawthorne's daughter
  • Age: 11, Religion: Old Faith
Kenter III
  • Role: Maggie's son
  • Age: 10, Religion: Old Faith
Alfie: The hired hand, responsible for various farm tasks and assisting in the stables.
  • Age: 27, Religion: Old Faith; Equipped with padded armor and a hand axe
  Sons (4): AC 5 (scale & shield Level 0; hp 5, 4, 4, 3; #AT 1; D1-8 (longsword) or 1- 6 (spear XP 15, 14, 14, 13   Hired hand: AC 8 (padded armor Level 0; hp 2; #AT 1; D 1-6 (hand axe) or 2-5 (heavy crossbow 8"/16"/24" XP 16
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Hommlet Bannor by 3orcs

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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