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2. Helping the Tailor - Hommlet

Tomlyn, a dedicated tailor of Hommlet, located at 11. Tomlyn Tailor’s shop harbors a passion beyond the needle and thread—he is an aspiring marksman. Despite his skill with the crossbow, Tomlyn has struggled to gain acceptance into the local militia. He practices his archery diligently each evening in the yard behind his house, visible to anyone frequenting the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Frustrated by his lack of progress, Tomlyn turns to the adventurers, hoping they might assist him in joining the ranks of the militia.


  • Introduction: The party might first notice Tomlyn while staying at the 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench, seeing him practice his crossbow skills with remarkable precision each evening. His dedication is evident, but so is his frustration.
  • Conversation: If the PCs strike up a conversation with Tomlyn, he will eventually share his plight—that despite his evident skill, he has not been allowed to join the militia. He will ask the PCs to speak on his behalf to Zeb Fletcher, the Captain of the Militia and Elmo’s father, hoping that a good word from adventurers might sway the captain's decision.
  • The Ask: The party must approach Captain Zeb Fletcher and plead Tomlyn’s case. Zeb, a seasoned and pragmatic leader, is initially skeptical. However, with the right persuasion and evidence of Tomlyn’s skill, the party can convince him to give Tomlyn a chance.
  • Outcome: If the PCs succeed in their task, Tomlyn is accepted into the militia. Overjoyed, he will express his gratitude to the party and reward them with finely made outfits of traveler’s clothes, delivered to them a few days later. Additionally, the PCs will gain experience points equivalent to Tomlyn’s XP bonus, reflecting the significance of their assistance.

DM Tips for Roleplaying

  • Tomlyn’s Passion: Emphasize Tomlyn’s dual life—his love for tailoring and his secret dream of being recognized as a marksman. His frustration should come across as quiet determination rather than bitterness.
  • Zeb Fletcher’s Skepticism: Roleplay Zeb as a gruff, no-nonsense leader who values proven warriors. He’s wary of allowing someone with no battlefield experience into the militia, but he respects the word of seasoned adventurers.
  • The Reward: When delivering the outfits, Tomlyn should be beaming with pride, excited to show off his handiwork and thrilled to be part of the militia.
Possible Modifications
  • Crossbow Competition: To convince Zeb, the party might arrange a crossbow competition where Tomlyn can demonstrate his skill publicly. This could add a fun, competitive element to the quest.
  • Additional Obstacles: If the DM wants to add more complexity, there could be a rival within the militia who actively opposes Tomlyn’s admission, requiring the PCs to navigate village politics or even engage in a side-duel.


"Helping the Tailor" is a side quest that offers the PCs a chance to engage in the social dynamics of Hommlet. By aiding Tomlyn in his quest to join the militia, the players will not only gain a modest reward but also further integrate themselves into the fabric of the village’s community. This quest is an excellent way to deepen the players’ connection to Hommlet and the people who live there, ensuring that the village feels like a living, breathing world rather than just a stopover on the way to grander adventures.
Tomlyn the Tailor by 3orcs


  • Experience: The PCs will receive 500 XP, equivalent to Tomlyn’s XP bonus.
  • Items: Tomlyn will gift the party with finely tailored outfits of traveler’s clothes, customized to fit each member.

Rumors Tied to the Quest

  • "That tailor, Tomlyn, has a sharper aim than most of the lads in the militia. Shame he’s not one of them." - A regular at the Welcome Wench.
  • "Zeb’s a tough old goat. He’s not easy to impress, even with skill like Tomlyn’s. But maybe your lot could change his mind." - Elmo, after a few too many drinks.
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    Cover image: by 3orcs


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