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Ostler Gundigoot, the owner and proprietor of the Inn of the Welcome Wench, is a central figure in the village of Hommlet. Known for his sharp eye and keen sense of character, Gundigoot, along with his family, plays a vital role in maintaining the inn's reputation for excellent hospitality. This article delves into the life, background, and relationships of Ostler Gundigoot and his family, as well as their impact on the community.

Ostler Gundigoot

Ostler Gundigoot is a man in his mid-forties with a stout build and a welcoming demeanor. He is always bustling about the inn, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. His sharp eyes and quick wit make him an excellent judge of character, allowing him to handle the diverse array of patrons that frequent the inn. Despite his busy schedule, Gundigoot always finds time to greet guests personally and make them feel at home.

Gloria Gundigoot

Gloria, Ostler's wife, is a kind-hearted woman in her early thirties. She assists with the management of the inn, particularly in the kitchen, where she oversees meal preparations. Gloria is known for her delicious cooking and her ability to create a warm, inviting atmosphere in the inn. Her gentle nature and nurturing spirit make her beloved by both staff and patrons.

Vesta Gundigoot

Vesta, the eldest daughter of Ostler and Gloria, is thirteen years old. She helps around the inn, learning the family trade from her parents. Vesta is bright and curious, often seen interacting with guests and asking about their travels. Her friendly disposition and eagerness to learn make her a favorite among regular patrons.

Amberjill Gundigoot

Amberjill, the younger daughter, is ten years old. Like her sister, she assists with various tasks at the inn, though she is more reserved and shy. Amberjill is known for her artistic talents, often drawing and painting in her free time. Her creativity adds a unique charm to the inn, with her artworks occasionally displayed in the common room.


The Inn of the Welcome Wench was built over a century ago and purchased by Ostler Gundigoot's father. Ostler inherited the inn and has since maintained its tradition of excellent hospitality. Raised in the inn, Ostler knows every inch of the place, including its secret rooms and passages.

Role in the Community

Ostler Gundigoot serves as the sergeant of the Hommlet militia, demonstrating his commitment to the village's safety and well-being. He is also a follower of the Old Faith, assisting the Druid of the Grove with certain ceremonies. His involvement in the community and the militia makes him a respected and influential figure in Hommlet.


With Patrons
The Gundigoot family is known for their exceptional hospitality, making the Inn of the Welcome Wench a favorite stop for travelers and locals alike. Ostler's ability to judge character and Gloria's delicious meals create a welcoming environment that keeps patrons coming back.
With the Community
The Gundigoots are deeply integrated into the fabric of Hommlet. Ostler's role in the militia and his participation in village affairs make him a key figure in maintaining order and safety. The family's dedication to the inn and their community involvement have earned them the respect and admiration of their fellow villagers.
With Staff
The staff of the Inn of the Welcome Wench are loyal and dedicated, thanks to the fair and kind treatment they receive from the Gundigoots. Ostler ensures that his employees are well cared for, providing them with good working conditions and fair wages. This mutual respect fosters a positive and efficient working environment.


Personal Goals
Ostler Gundigoot is motivated by a desire to uphold his family's legacy and ensure the continued success of the Inn of the Welcome Wench. He takes pride in providing excellent service and creating a welcoming atmosphere for all guests. Gloria shares this commitment, focusing on maintaining the high standards of the inn's cuisine and hospitality.
Community Goals
The Gundigoots are dedicated to the well-being of Hommlet. Ostler's involvement in the militia and his support of the Druid of the Grove reflect his commitment to the village's safety and harmony. Gloria and their daughters contribute to the community through their work at the inn, creating a space where villagers and travelers can come together and share stories.

Current Events

The construction of Doomwatch Keep and the rise in bandit activity have increased the number of visitors to the inn, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Ostler and his family work tirelessly to accommodate the influx of guests while maintaining the inn's high standards.
The increased traffic due to the construction and recent events presents an opportunity for the Gundigoots to expand their influence and strengthen their ties with the community. By providing a safe and welcoming environment, they play a crucial role in fostering cooperation and resilience among the villagers and travelers.
Notable Details
  • Secret Rooms: Ostler Gundigoot knows every secret of the inn, including hidden rooms and passages used during times of trouble.
  • Artistic Talents: Amberjill's artistic skills add a unique charm to the inn, with her artworks occasionally displayed in the common room.
  • Community Involvement: The Gundigoot family's involvement in the militia and village affairs demonstrates their dedication to Hommlet's safety and prosperity.
Gundigoot Secrets
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Ostler Gundigoot, while a welcoming and genial host, harbors several secrets that add depth to his character and influence his actions and decisions.
Military Past
Contrary to the tales often told in the common room, Ostler did not fight at The Battle of Emridy Meadows. However, he played a crucial role in Hommlet’s militia during the siege of the nearby moathouse, a pivotal event that marked the final chapter in the downfall of the Temple of Elemental Evil. His experience during this time has made him a respected figure in the village and among those who fought alongside him.
Growing Concerns
Gundigoot is increasingly worried about two pressing issues that threaten the stability and prosperity of Hommlet and his inn:
Bandit Raids and Humanoid Sightings:
The recent surge in bandit activity and sightings of humanoid creatures in the surrounding hills and glades is a cause for significant concern. These threats not only endanger the safety of the villagers but also disrupt trade and travel, directly impacting the inn’s business. Ostler’s experience with the militia during the siege of the moathouse has made him acutely aware of the potential dangers and the need for vigilance. He frequently discusses these concerns with the village leaders and other influential figures in Hommlet, advocating for increased patrols and stronger defenses.
Decline in Business:
The Inn of the Welcome Wench has seen a noticeable decline in patronage, particularly from merchant caravans. Many caravans now choose to overnight in Nigb’s Rest, drawn by the fame of its entertainers and bards. This shift in preference has resulted in a loss of revenue for Gundigoot, who prides himself on providing a superior experience for travelers. The competition from Nigb’s Rest has prompted him to consider ways to enhance the inn’s appeal, such as introducing new forms of entertainment or offering special promotions to attract more guests.

Hidden Treasures and Preparations

Ostler’s knowledge of the inn’s secret rooms and passages is a closely guarded secret. These hidden spaces, once used by those opposing the Temple, remain stocked with supplies and weapons, prepared for any future crises. Gundigoot periodically checks these caches to ensure they are well-maintained and ready for use. His involvement in these preparations is known only to a select few, including the Druid of the Grove and certain trusted members of the militia.   Gundigoot knows every inch of the place including the secret room in the cellar and the spy holes and passages in the attic. He is also aware of the presence of Cauf in the cellar and while he’s not happy having such a creature in his inn, he trusts Lord Burne's ability to keep it in check.
Financial Safeguards
Ostler is a shrewd businessman, and his financial acumen is evident in the secret stash of wealth he keeps hidden. This cache, located in a small secret compartment in the north wall of his chamber, contains valuable jewelry, coins, and precious gems. These resources serve as a financial safeguard, allowing him to weather economic downturns or make necessary investments to maintain the inn’s operations. His careful management of these funds ensures that the inn remains a stable and profitable venture despite external challenges.

Family Concerns

While Ostler is deeply committed to his business, his family’s well-being is always his top priority. He worries about the safety of his wife, Gloria, and their daughters, Vesta and Amberjill, particularly in light of the increasing bandit raids. Ostler has taken steps to ensure their protection, including training his daughters in basic self-defense and securing their quarters. He is also considering relocating his family to a safer part of the village should the threats escalate.
Relationship with Elmo
Ostler is aware of Elmo’s true identity and the role he plays in the village’s defense. He discreetly supports Elmo’s efforts, providing him with information about suspicious patrons and helping to coordinate militia activities. This collaboration remains a secret, known only to a few trusted individuals, and is a testament to Ostler’s commitment to the safety and security of Hommlet.

Plans for the Future

Gundigoot is always thinking ahead, planning for the future of the inn and his family. He is exploring new ways to attract business, such as expanding the inn’s offerings or hosting special events to draw in more patrons. He is also considering building alliances with other innkeepers and merchants to create a network of support and shared resources. These plans are still in the early stages, and Ostler keeps them close to his chest, sharing his ideas only with Gloria and a few trusted advisors.


Ostler Gundigoot and his family are the heart and soul of the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Their commitment to hospitality, community involvement, and the well-being of Hommlet make them indispensable figures in the village. Through their hard work and dedication, they ensure that the inn remains a welcoming haven for all who pass through its doors.  
Gundigoot's Opinions on the Rise of Bandits and the Actions of Village Leaders
Concerned but Trusting: "The increase in bandit activity worries me greatly, but I trust Burne and Rufus to handle the situation with their usual efficiency and bravery."
Support for Militia: "Militia Captain Fletcher is doing an admirable job rallying the men. His leadership is crucial in these times of unrest."
Faith in the Elders: "Elder Kenter Sr. is a wise man. His guidance and decisions will surely steer us through this crisis."
Praise for Cooperation: "It's heartening to see Burne, Rufus, and the militia working together. Their united front is exactly what we need."
Call for Vigilance: "We must all stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Every villager has a role to play in ensuring our safety."
Belief in Justice: "With Kenter Sr. as our Justice of the Peace, I have no doubt that any captured bandits will face the consequences of their actions."
Community Strength: "The bandits may be a threat, but our community is strong. Together, with our leaders at the helm, we will overcome this menace."
Ostler Gundigoot
  • 14 (+1) 16 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+1)
  • Equipment: Short sword, club
  • Languages: common, dwarf
  • Gundigoot: The innkeeper, known for his sharp eye and good sense of character. He serves as the sergeant of the militia and is a follower of The Old Faith.
  • Gloria: Ostler's wife, a goodwife who helps manage the inn. Known as one of the finest cooks in the eastern viscounty, Goodwife Gundigoot is responsible for much of the success of the Inn of the Welcome Wench. She enjoys gossip and hen-pecks her husband a bit, but she is a warm and generous soul.
  • Vesta and Amberjill: Ostler's daughters, who assist with various tasks around the inn.
sharp, hazel eyes are his most notable feature
once a rich chestnut brown, is now mostly grey, kept short and often covered by a simple cap
Gundigoot description  
Ostler Gundigoot is a stout man in his mid-forties, standing about 5 feet 9 inches tall with a solid, barrel-chested build. His face is round and friendly, framed by a thick, neatly trimmed beard that has begun to show streaks of grey. His hair, once a rich chestnut brown, is now mostly grey, kept short and often covered by a simple cap. Gundigoot's sharp, hazel eyes are his most notable feature, constantly darting around to observe the activities in the inn with a keen and calculating gaze. His nose is slightly bulbous, and his cheeks are often rosy from the warmth of the inn and his jovial nature.   Gundigoot dresses in practical but well-made clothing befitting his status as an innkeeper. He typically wears a sturdy leather apron over a simple tunic and trousers, both of which are kept immaculately clean despite the hustle and bustle of the inn. A pair of well-worn boots complete his ensemble, showing signs of years of diligent work. His hands are calloused from years of labor, but his touch is surprisingly gentle, especially when handling delicate items or greeting guests. Overall, Gundigoot exudes an air of warmth, competence, and unwavering attention to detail.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Ostler Gundigoot by 3orcs


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