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Fenward Revepaix

Lord Revepaix (a.k.a. Lefthand)

The Reluctant Heir of Verbobonc


Fenward Lefthand, the eldest son of Viscount Wilfrick, stands as a complex and somewhat enigmatic figure within the annals of Verbobonc's nobility. Born to inherit his father's esteemed position, Fenward's path is marred by internal conflicts and unorthodox views that set him apart from his lineage.


Fenward is a man of contrasts. Unlike his father, who was celebrated for his valor and leadership, Fenward appears to lack these defining qualities. He is introspective, often seen as distant or disengaged from the duties of his birthright. His demeanor is marked by a quiet intensity, and he often appears lost in thought, as if wrestling with inner dilemmas that elude those around him.

Motivations and Views

A defining aspect of Fenward's character is his peculiar antipathy towards the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills gnomes of the hills, a sentiment that has baffled many. This disdain seems to stem from a deeper, unresolved resentment towards certain aspects of his heritage and the responsibilities it entails. He also harbors a strong aversion to the Viscounty's ties to Furyondy and Veluna, viewing these alliances with skepticism. This stance puts him at odds with the diplomatic efforts long upheld by his family.

Fenward's Role in the Viscounty

Expected to assume his father's position, Fenward finds himself in a precarious situation. His reluctance to embrace his destined role and his unconventional views create a sense of uncertainty about the future leadership of Verbobonc. Fenward's approach to governance, if he were to assume power, remains a topic of much speculation and concern among the nobility and common folk alike.

Internal Struggles

Fenward's journey is as much internal as it is public. He grapples with the expectations set upon him and his personal beliefs and inclinations. His struggle is not just with the external world but also with his identity and place within a lineage that he feels increasingly alienated from.


Fenward Lefthand embodies the struggles of an heir who does not fit the mold of his predecessors. In him, we see the embodiment of a legacy in crisis, a young man caught between the weight of expectation and the desire to forge his own path. His story is a poignant reflection of the challenges faced by those born to lead but who find themselves at odds with the very essence of their inheritance. As Verbobonc looks to its future, the question remains: will Fenward rise to the occasion, or will he redefine what it means to be a leader in his own, unorthodox way?

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Lord Fenward Verdanhart, as the eldest son of Viscount Wilfrick and a prominent figure in Verbobonc, exhibits a personality that can be described as pretentious. This aspect of his character is manifested in several ways. At the heart of his pretentious behavior might be a deep-seated desire for recognition and validation. Fenward seems to be constantly seeking affirmation of his status and importance, both from his peers and from those under him.


Social Aptitude

Given Fenward's apparent lack of the qualities his father possessed, his strange antipathy towards the gnomes, and his resentment towards the Viscounty's ties, he could be characterized as Neutral. This alignment suggests he may not feel strongly compelled towards either good or evil, but rather acts in accordance with his own needs and desires, which can sometimes conflict with those of others.


Helena Revepaix


Towards Fenward Revepaix


Fenward Revepaix


Towards Helena Revepaix


Fenward Revepaix


Towards Elysia Revepaix


Elysia Revepaix


Towards Fenward Revepaix


Serrol Revepaix


Towards Fenward Revepaix


Fenward Revepaix


Towards Serrol Revepaix


Current Status
Avoiding court and the nobles
Year of Birth
549 27 Years old
Helena Revepaix (sister)
Elysia Revepaix (sister)
Serrol Revepaix (brother)
unruly brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"As the shadows lengthen over our lands, so too does the weight of expectation upon my shoulders. Yet, in the whispers of the wind through the Gnarley Forest, I find no counsel, only the echoes of a destiny I am yet to embrace." - Lord Fenward Verdanhart
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
As you enter the grand chamber, your attention is immediately drawn to Lord Fenward, the eldest son of Viscount Wilfrick. Standing at the far end of the room, he carries an air of nobility, yet there's a certain aloofness about him that sets him apart from the others. Fenward appears to be in his late twenties, with a stature that speaks of his noble lineage. His hair is neatly kept, yet there's a hint of unruliness to it, perhaps a subtle reflection of the inner turmoil that he is known to harbor. His eyes, thoughtful and distant, seem to be gazing far beyond the walls of the chamber, lost in contemplation or burdened by the weight of his future responsibilities.   He is dressed in finery befitting his status, but the way he carries himself in his clothes suggests a man who is not entirely at ease with the trappings of his birthright. The cut and quality of his attire are impeccable, yet he wears them with a nonchalance that hints at a disconnection from his role as the heir.
As you approach, Fenward gives you a measured nod, his expression remaining inscrutable. "Welcome, traveler," he says, his voice carrying a subdued but clear tone. "I am Lord Fenward Revepaix, the eldest son of Viscount Wilfrick. It's not often we see new faces within these walls. Might I inquire what brings you to our lands?"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Fenward by 3orcs


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