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House Revepaix

A Pillar of Verbobonc


House Revepaix stands as a beacon of strength and resilience in the rich history of Verbobonc. Ruled by the esteemed Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix, the family has navigated through tumultuous times, marked by conflicts, political intrigue, and a steadfast commitment to their people and land.

The Family Matriarch

The late matriarch of House Revepaix, Lady Elara Revepaix, was a figure of grace and wisdom. She passed away under tragic circumstances, leaving a void in the family that has never been filled. Lady Elara was known for her benevolence and her efforts in fostering strong relations with the neighboring realms and communities, including the gnomes of the Kron Hills. Her untimely demise deeply affected the family, especially Viscount Wilfrick, who has since carried the burden of leadership with a solemn determination.

Viscount Wilfrick's Reign

Viscount Wilfrick's reign has been characterized by challenges and victories. The rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil and its subsequent influence posed a significant threat to Verbobonc. Under his leadership, the forces of Verbobonc, alongside allies from Veluna, Furyondy, and the Elves of the Gnarley Forest, triumphed at The Battle of Emridy Meadows. However, the resurgence of the Horde of Elemental Evil necessitated the construction of a castle at Hommlet and continued vigilance.
"Through every trial and tribulation, the strength and resilience of Verbobonc shine brightest, guided by unwavering leadership."

The Children of House Revepaix

Lady Helena Verdanhart: The eldest, Helena's life has been marked by political complexities and personal losses, notably the mysterious disappearance of her betrothed, Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy.   Lord Fenward Verdanhart: The eldest son, Fenward's pretentious demeanor and unconventional views have often put him at odds with the expectations of his noble birth.   Lady Elysia Verdanhart: Adopted into the family, Elysia has shown a keen mind and compassion, often serving as the political figure behind her father's rule, though she faces opposition from traditionalists like Mayor Lord Marakios Willem Haxx.   Lord Serrol Verdanhart: The youngest, Serrol's devotion led him to the priesthood of St. Cuthbert, where he serves under Bishop Haufren, beloved by the commoners for his empathy and dedication.
"Our victories and resilience stem from the unity of our people and the alliances we forge."

Politics and Challenges

Verbobonc's near-independence as a province of the Archclericy of Veluna places it in a unique position politically. The tensions with the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills gnomes and the threat of the Temple of Elemental Evil have tested the leadership of House Revepaix. The family's commitment to the welfare of their people and the defense of their lands remains unwavering.

Legacy and Influence

House Revepaix's influence extends beyond the borders of Verbobonc. As a trade city, Verbobonc is pivotal in the region, and the family has played a crucial role in shaping its culture and trade. The beautiful and strong capital city, blessed with the touches of gnome and elf craftsmanship, stands as a testament to the family's dedication to progress and harmony.


In House Revepaix, the people of Verbobonc see the embodiment of leadership, resilience, and hope. Each member, with their unique strengths and challenges, contributes to the legacy of a family that has stood as a pillar in times of peace and conflict. As Verbobonc continues to evolve, the guiding hand of House Verdanhart remains crucial in steering it towards a prosperous future.
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The Union of Viscount Wilfrick’s Daughter and Prince Thrommel. In the years following the successful rescue of Prince Thrommel of Furyondy from the clutches of the Temple of Elemental Evil, Verbobonc and Furyondy find their fates intertwined once more through a surprising and joyous turn of events.
The Reunion and Betrothal
  • Setting the Stage: After the harrowing ordeal within the Temple of Elemental Evil, Prince Thrommel finds refuge and recuperation in the serene lands of Verbobonc. It is here, amidst the verdant fields and tranquil waters, that he encounters Helena, the daughter of Viscount Wilfrick.
  • Instant Connection: From the moment Thrommel lays eyes on Helena, he is captivated by her grace and strength, attributes inherited from her formidable father. Despite his prior betrothal to Princess Jolene of Furyondy, Thrommel’s heart is irresistibly drawn to Helena.
  • Uncertain Circumstances: Torn by his sense of duty and newfound affection, Thrommel leaves Verbobonc without confessing his feelings, burdened by the knowledge of his engagement to Princess Jolene.
  • Revelation and Joy
  • A Twist of Fate: Unbeknownst to Thrommel, during his years of captivity, Princess Jolene had released him from their betrothal and found happiness with another. This pivotal information, relayed to Thrommel upon his return to Furyondy, changes the course of his life.
  • Rejoicing and Return: With the weight of his prior engagement lifted, Thrommel’s heart soars. He promptly returns to Verbobonc, eager to reunite with Helena and declare his love.
The Engagement
A Joyous Announcement: Thrommel’s return to Verbobonc is met with both relief and celebration. Viscount Wilfrick, though aging, remains a formidable warrior and a protective father. His initial wariness is quickly assuaged by Thrommel’s earnest affection for Helena and the joy it brings his daughter.
  • Formal Betrothal: In a grand ceremony attended by nobles and common folk alike, Thrommel and Helena announce their betrothal. The union is celebrated not only as a personal victory but as a symbol of strengthened ties between Verbobonc and Furyondy.
The Wedding
  • A Festive Occasion: The wedding of Prince Thrommel and Helena is a grand affair, held in Verbobonc’s most revered temple and attended by dignitaries from across the region.
  • Celebration of Unity: The event symbolizes a renewed alliance between the realms, fostering goodwill and cooperation. Viscount Wilfrick, despite his advancing years, stands proud, a testament to his enduring legacy.
  • A New Chapter: For both Verbobonc and Furyondy, the marriage signifies a hopeful future. Thrommel and Helena’s union brings a blend of courage, wisdom, and compassion to their respective realms.
Aftermath and Legacy
  • Strengthened Alliances: The marriage cements a strong alliance between Verbobonc and Furyondy, with Thrommel and Helena becoming pivotal figures in regional politics and defense.
  • Helena’s Influence: As a princess, Helena brings Verbobonc’s values of resilience and community to Furyondy, fostering mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Thrommel’s Redemption: The prince’s journey from captivity to joy serves as a powerful narrative of resilience and hope, inspiring both nobles and commoners.


The union of Viscount Wilfrick’s daughter Helena and Prince Thrommel of Furyondy stands as a testament to love’s triumph over adversity. Their marriage not only unites two great houses but also heralds a new era of peace and prosperity for Verbobonc and Furyondy, their shared legacy echoing through the annals of history.


"For the Heart of Verbobonc, Revepaix Stands Unyielding."

The Children of House Revepaix
  • Lady Helena Revepaix: The eldest, Helena's life has been marked by political complexities and personal losses, notably the mysterious disappearance of her betrothed, Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy.
  • Lord Fenward Revepaix: The eldest son, Fenward's pretentious demeanor and unconventional views have often put him at odds with the expectations of his noble birth.
  • Lady Elysia Revepaix: Adopted into the family, Elysia has shown a keen mind and compassion, often serving as the political figure behind her father's rule, though she faces opposition from traditionalists like Mayor Lord Marakios Willem Haxx.
  • Lord Serrol Revepaix: The youngest, Serrol's devotion led him to the priesthood of St. Cuthbert, where he serves under Bishop Haufren, beloved by the commoners for his empathy and dedication.
Geopolitical, Great house
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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