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Serrol Revepaix

Acolyte Revepaix

The Compassionate Scion of Verbobonc

In the noble lineage of Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix, there lies a tale less sung but equally profound - the story of Serrol Verdanhart, his youngest son. Unlike his siblings, who tread the intricate paths of politics and nobility, Serrol chose a path led by faith and common empathy, joining the priesthood of St. Cuthbert under Bishop Haufren.


Born as the youngest of Viscount Wilfrick's children, Serrol Revepaix grew up in the opulent surroundings of Verbobonc's court. However, from a young age, he exhibited a proclivity towards the teachings of St. Cuthbert. His sensitivity to the struggles of the common folk marked him as different in the eyes of the nobility, but it earned him an affectionate place in the hearts of the people.

Joining the Church of St Cuthbert

As he matured, Serrol's inclination towards spirituality and service became more pronounced. The decision to join the church was a culmination of his growing desire to serve a cause greater than the political intrigues of nobility. Under the guidance of Bishop Haufren, Serrol found a mentor who honed his compassion into a force for tangible change within the city.

The Plight of the Commoners

Serrol's deep empathy for the commoners stems from his understanding and exposure to their daily challenges. He often ventured incognito into the city, learning first-hand the plight of his people. This connection with the populace has made him a beloved figure, a bridge between the opulent throne room and the bustling streets of Verbobonc.

The Role of Faith in Verbobonc

The worship of St. Cuthbert has seen a significant rise in Verbobonc, especially since the Elemental War. The faith's principles of wisdom, dedication, and zeal resonate deeply with the city's populace. The recent construction of a grand temple in the city’s commercial market, second only to the temple of Trithereon, is a testament to the faith's growing influence.

Duties at the Church

As a cleric in the Church of St. Cuthbert, Serrol's responsibilities are manifold. He participates in daily rituals and prayers, ensuring the spiritual needs of the congregation are met. He is often seen leading services, his voice resonating with conviction as he recites the liturgies and teachings of St. Cuthbert.   Beyond the altar, Serrol is actively involved in the church's outreach programs. He organizes and oversees initiatives aimed at aiding the less fortunate. From distributing food and clothing to the needy to providing shelter for the homeless, his efforts are tireless.

The Youngest Son's Special Role in the Church of St. Cuthbert

As the youngest son of the Viscount of Verbobonc, Serrol Verdanhart holds a unique position within the Church of St. Cuthbert, under the guidance of Bishop Haufren. His background and status grant him special duties and attention that align with both his noble heritage and his deep commitment to his faith.

Special Duties for Bishop Haufren

Bishop Haufren, recognizing Serrol's unique position and potential, entrusts him with duties that extend beyond the typical responsibilities of a cleric.
  • Diplomatic Liaison: Serrol often acts as a liaison between the Church and the Viscounty, facilitating communication and cooperation on matters of mutual interest. His understanding of both the secular and spiritual realms enables him to navigate these discussions with insight and diplomacy.
  • Advisor on Noble Affairs: Given his noble lineage, Serrol is uniquely positioned to advise Bishop Haufren on matters involving the nobility. His perspective is invaluable in understanding the complexities of noble politics and in shaping the Church's approach to engaging with high-ranking individuals and families.
  • Community Outreach Leader: Serrol leads significant community outreach initiatives, especially those involving the welfare of the less fortunate. His efforts are aimed not only at providing immediate aid but also at fostering long-term societal change, in line with the teachings of St. Cuthbert.
  • Spiritual Guidance to Nobles: Serrol also provides spiritual guidance to members of the nobility. His background allows him to relate to their experiences and challenges, offering counsel that is both empathetic and grounded in the teachings of St. Cuthbert.
  • Bishop Haufren's Attention: Bishop Haufren pays special attention to Serrol's development, both as a cleric and as a representative of the Church in the secular world. He sees in Serrol a potential leader who can bridge the gap between different strata of society, and thus, invests time in mentoring and guiding him. This includes providing Serrol with opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, and exposure to various aspects of church and secular governance.


In Serrol Revepaix, Bishop Haufren sees not just a young cleric, but a future leader who can embody the ideals of St. Cuthbert in both the spiritual and secular realms. Serrol's special duties and the attention he receives from the Bishop are testament to his potential to impact Verbobonc positively, guided by his faith and his unique understanding of both the noble and common aspects of society.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Based on the description of Serrol Verdanhart as a compassionate and empathetic figure who has chosen to serve in the priesthood of St. Cuthbert, his alignment would most likely be Lawful Good. This alignment reflects his commitment to both order and goodness – upholding the laws and traditions of his faith and society (Lawful), while also striving to help and protect others, especially the common folk, with a strong sense of moral righteousness and empathy (Good). His decision to join the priesthood and his deep connection with the people suggest a dedication to these principles.


Serrol Revepaix


Towards Helena Revepaix


Helena Revepaix


Towards Serrol Revepaix


Serrol Revepaix


Towards Elysia Revepaix


Elysia Revepaix


Towards Serrol Revepaix


Serrol Revepaix


Towards Fenward Revepaix


Fenward Revepaix


Towards Serrol Revepaix


Serrol Revepaix
  • Acolyte of St Cuthbert
  • Cleric level 2
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
557 19 Years old
Helena Revepaix (sister)
Elysia Revepaix (sister)
Fenward Revepaix (brother)
clear blue
light brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Serrol by 3orcs
As you meet Serrol, you observe a young man with a presence that combines the grace of nobility and the humility of a cleric. His age, around 19 years, grants him a youthful vigor, yet his eyes reflect a maturity beyond his years, a testament to his deep empathy and understanding.   Serrol's hair is a light brown, kept neat and modest, in line with his clerical duties, yet there's a natural charm to it that speaks of his noble heritage. His eyes are a clear, compassionate blue, often lighting up with kindness as he interacts with those around him.   He has a slender, yet firm build, reflecting a life that balances the rigors of religious devotion with the upbringing of a nobleman. His face, still youthful, carries an earnestness and sincerity, often breaking into a warm, approachable smile.   In terms of attire, Serrol dresses in a way that respects his noble background while embracing his clerical role. He often wears simple, well-made robes, perhaps with subtle embellishments that hint at his noble status. The symbol of St. Cuthbert, prominently displayed, is a constant reminder of his commitment to his faith and the people he serves.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Acolyte Serrol by 3orcs


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