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Helena Revepaix

Lady Revepaix

A Promise Unfulfilled

As you step into the grand hall, your eyes are immediately drawn to Lady Helena, standing with an air of quiet dignity among the courtiers. She appears to be in her mid twenties, her posture radiating the poise and confidence of nobility. Her hair, a rich auburn, cascades in elegant waves down her shoulders, catching the light with each subtle movement. It frames a face that, while beautiful, carries a hint of melancholy, as if echoing tales of lost dreams and unfulfilled promises. Her eyes, a deep shade of hazel, meet yours with an intensity that speaks of intelligence and depth. There's a certain resilience in her gaze, a strength forged through personal and political challenges.   Her attire is a testament to her status. A gown of fine fabric, rich in color and adorned with subtle embroidery, drapes gracefully over her figure. It's both elegant and understated, a perfect blend of courtly sophistication and personal style. As you approach, she greets you with a polite nod, her voice carrying a warmth that belies the formal setting. Lady Helena is a figure of resilience and grace, a person whose story is etched into every poised gesture and measured word.


In the annals of Verbobonc's history, Helena Verdanhart emerges as a poignant figure, her life marked by a blend of nobility and unfulfilled promise. As the eldest daughter of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, Helena's path seemed destined for greatness, a trajectory altered by fate and the shadows of war.

Background and Character

Helena, raised in the esteemed halls of Verbobonc's nobility, was groomed for a life that intertwined duty with political aspiration. Poised, articulate, and versed in the intricate dance of courtly politics, Helena was more than just a noblewoman; she was a symbol of potential alliances and future stability for the Viscounty.

The Battle of Emridy Meadows and Its Aftermath

However, the tides of fate turned at The Battle of Emridy Meadows, where Prince Thrommel IV was lost under mysterious circumstances. His disappearance marked a tragic end to the hopes and dreams woven around the marriage. For Helena, this loss was both personal and political, a wound that echoed the uncertainties of the times.


Helena Revepaix's tale is a reminder of how closely intertwined personal destiny and political fate can be, especially in the echelons of nobility. Her journey from a hopeful future queen to a noblewoman charting her own course encapsulates the essence of Verbobonc's nobility – always poised at the intersection of duty, personal tragedy, and the relentless march of history.

Future Event

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The Union of Viscount Wilfrick’s Daughter and Prince Thrommel. In the years following the successful rescue of Prince Thrommel of Furyondy from the clutches of the Temple of Elemental Evil, Verbobonc and Furyondy find their fates intertwined once more through a surprising and joyous turn of events.
The Reunion and Betrothal
  • Setting the Stage: After the harrowing ordeal within the Temple of Elemental Evil, Prince Thrommel finds refuge and recuperation in the serene lands of Verbobonc. It is here, amidst the verdant fields and tranquil waters, that he encounters Helena, the daughter of Viscount Wilfrick.
  • Instant Connection: From the moment Thrommel lays eyes on Helena, he is captivated by her grace and strength, attributes inherited from her formidable father. Despite his prior betrothal to Princess Jolene of Furyondy, Thrommel’s heart is irresistibly drawn to Helena.
  • Uncertain Circumstances: Torn by his sense of duty and newfound affection, Thrommel leaves Verbobonc without confessing his feelings, burdened by the knowledge of his engagement to Princess Jolene.
  • Revelation and Joy
  • A Twist of Fate: Unbeknownst to Thrommel, during his years of captivity, Princess Jolene had released him from their betrothal and found happiness with another. This pivotal information, relayed to Thrommel upon his return to Furyondy, changes the course of his life.
  • Rejoicing and Return: With the weight of his prior engagement lifted, Thrommel’s heart soars. He promptly returns to Verbobonc, eager to reunite with Helena and declare his love.
The Engagement
A Joyous Announcement: Thrommel’s return to Verbobonc is met with both relief and celebration. Viscount Wilfrick, though aging, remains a formidable warrior and a protective father. His initial wariness is quickly assuaged by Thrommel’s earnest affection for Helena and the joy it brings his daughter.
  • Formal Betrothal: In a grand ceremony attended by nobles and common folk alike, Thrommel and Helena announce their betrothal. The union is celebrated not only as a personal victory but as a symbol of strengthened ties between Verbobonc and Furyondy.
The Wedding
  • A Festive Occasion: The wedding of Prince Thrommel and Helena is a grand affair, held in Verbobonc’s most revered temple and attended by dignitaries from across the region.
  • Celebration of Unity: The event symbolizes a renewed alliance between the realms, fostering goodwill and cooperation. Viscount Wilfrick, despite his advancing years, stands proud, a testament to his enduring legacy.
  • A New Chapter: For both Verbobonc and Furyondy, the marriage signifies a hopeful future. Thrommel and Helena’s union brings a blend of courage, wisdom, and compassion to their respective realms.
Aftermath and Legacy
  • Strengthened Alliances: The marriage cements a strong alliance between Verbobonc and Furyondy, with Thrommel and Helena becoming pivotal figures in regional politics and defense.
  • Helena’s Influence: As a princess, Helena brings Verbobonc’s values of resilience and community to Furyondy, fostering mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Thrommel’s Redemption: The prince’s journey from captivity to joy serves as a powerful narrative of resilience and hope, inspiring both nobles and commoners.


The union of Viscount Wilfrick’s daughter Helena and Prince Thrommel of Furyondy stands as a testament to love’s triumph over adversity. Their marriage not only unites two great houses but also heralds a new era of peace and prosperity for Verbobonc and Furyondy, their shared legacy echoing through the annals of history.


Family Ties

Social Aptitude

Helena, who was poised for a significant political marriage and has faced the personal and political ramifications of its falling through, might best fit a Lawful Neutral alignment. This suggests she believes strongly in the structures and traditions of society (as evidenced by her engagement to Prince Thrommel IV) but her primary concern is not necessarily about good or evil.


Helena Revepaix


Towards Fenward Revepaix


Fenward Revepaix


Towards Helena Revepaix


Helena Revepaix


Towards Elysia Revepaix


Elysia Revepaix


Towards Helena Revepaix


Serrol Revepaix


Towards Helena Revepaix


Helena Revepaix


Towards Serrol Revepaix


Lady Helena Revepaix

"Good day to you, traveler," she begins, her voice carrying a melodic and cultured tone. "I am Lady Helena Revepaix, eldest daughter of Viscount Wilfrick. It is not often we have such distinguished guests gracing the halls of our estate. May I inquire as to the purpose of your visit?"
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
551 25 Years old
Fenward Revepaix (brother)
Elysia Revepaix (sister)
Serrol Revepaix (brother)
deep shade hazel
rich auburn
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Verndenhart by 3orcs


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