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Mol is a small village situated in the western farmlands of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Located in the barony of House Langmuir, Mol straddles a tributary of Nigb’s Run. This peaceful yet struggling community of about 700 people is deeply rooted in agriculture, with a rich history and complex political relationships.


Mol is nestled along the Mol Run, a stream known for its high iron content, giving it a distinctive muddy red color. Despite its appearance, the stream is teeming with large, ochre-colored catfish. The hamlet features traditional Oeridian architecture, with wooden and stone buildings, small farms, and a central market area where locals gather to trade goods and socialize.
Village of Mol by 3orcs


Mol was established as a farming settlement by early Oeridian pioneers and granted as a fief to Karadan Thurstix by Overking Leodek in 155 CY. The Thurstix family has ruled the region for over four centuries, maintaining a contentious relationship with the nearby gnome communities of the Kron Hills due to historical conflicts over mining rights.
Key Historical Events
155 CY: Mol is granted as a fief to the Thurstix family.
  • Gnome Conflicts: Repeated incursions into the Kron Hills to exploit electrum mines lead to long-standing animosity between the Thurstix family and the gnomes.
  • Economic Decline: The failure of the southern mines and reduced trade due to competition from Etterboek cause economic hardship.


Mol is located near the edge of the Kron Hills, surrounded by fertile farmlands ideal for various crops and livestock. The terrain is gently rolling, and the Mol Run provides a critical water source for irrigation and daily needs.
Notable Geographic Features
  • Mol Run: The tributary known for its red hue and catfish population.
  • Farmlands: Extensive fields where residents grow crops and raise livestock.

Society and Culture

The residents of Mol are predominantly human, with a small population of Gnomes and Halfling hobniz. The community is tight-knit, with a culture deeply rooted in agricultural traditions and seasonal festivals.
Cultural Highlights
  • Harvest Festival: A major event celebrating the end of the farming season with feasts, dances, and competitions.
  • Market Days: Weekly gatherings where locals trade goods and socialize.

Government and Laws

Mol is governed by a village elder and a council of respected villagers, under the oversight of Lord Karadan Thurstix, who represents House Langmuir’s interests. Law enforcement is primarily the responsibility of the local town guard, who serve as both protectors and enforcers of the Viscount's laws.
Key Governance Points
  • Village Council: Oversees local disputes and resource management.
  • Town Guard: Enforces laws and maintains order, often working alongside the clergy of Merikka.


Mol's politics are influenced by its relationship with House Langmuir and the broader political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The hamlet's economic struggles and disputes with the gnomes add complexity to its political situation.
Political Dynamics
  • House Langmuir: The ruling noble house, with significant influence over Mol's governance and economic policies.
  • Gnome Relations: Historical animosity due to mining disputes, impacting trade and cooperation.


The primary deity worshipped in Mol is Merikka, the Oeridian demigoddess of Agriculture, Farming, and the Home. The local temple serves as a guild house for farmers, organizing economic trade and farming supplies, and structuring seasonal activities.
Religious Aspects
  • Temple of Merikka: The religious center for the community, offering guidance on agricultural practices and mediating familial disputes.
  • Shrines: Dedicated to other deities, particularly Pelor and Beory, respected by the farming community.

Local Governance

Mol is governed by a village elder and a council of respected villagers. This council oversees daily affairs, local disputes, and resource management. The people of Mol live modestly off the land, producing just enough to sustain themselves and pay moderate taxes to their lords.
Key Points
  • Village Council: Composed of respected villagers who manage daily affairs.
  • Moderate Taxes: Reflecting lessons learned from past economic mismanagement.

Noble Oversight

Lord Karadan Thurstix, representing House Langmuir, oversees Mol. He is acutely aware of the hamlet's declining economic state, exacerbated by the failure of the southern mines and the refusal of the Kron Hills gnomes to do business in Mol. Despite this, Thurstix is too proud to apologize for his family's historical offenses against the gnomes or to return the now worthless southern mines.
Key Figures
  • Lord Karadan Thurstix: The current lord, struggling to revitalize Mol’s economy and resolve disputes with the gnomes.
  • House Langmuir: The ruling noble house, with significant influence over Mol's policies.
Political Challenges
  • Economic Decline: Caused by the failure of the southern mines and reduced trade.
  • Gnome Relations: Strained due to historical conflicts over mining rights.
External Influences
Mol’s location on the South-Way Road is another major trade route with destination to Veluna. But it is not as busy as the Long road which passes through Etterboek, has contributed to its economic decline. Most travelers and traders bypass Mol, favoring Etterboek’s more prosperous markets. This shift has led to a reduction in Mol’s population and prosperity.
External Factors
  • Trade Route Shift: The High Road favors Etterboek, diverting commerce away from Mol.
  • Competition with Etterboek: Etterboek's growth has drawn resources and attention away from Mol.

Political Dynamics

Current Issues
  • Economic State: Lord Thurstix is unhappy with the hamlet’s economic condition and is anxious to resolve the dispute with the gnomes to boost trade and prosperity.
  • Pride and Apology: Thurstix’s pride prevents him from apologizing to the gnomes, creating a stalemate that hinders economic recovery.
  • Mine Ownership: The gnomes demand the return of the southern mines, but Thurstix refuses despite their current worthlessness.
Possible Solutions
  • Negotiation with Gnomes: Finding a mediator to negotiate peace and establish trade relations.
  • Economic Initiatives: Implementing new economic initiatives to attract traders and visitors to Mol.
  • Community Projects: Engaging the village council and community in projects to enhance local production and trade.
Long-term Goals
  • Revitalization: Restore Mol’s prosperity through improved relations with neighboring communities and innovative local governance.
  • Sustainable Economy: Develop a sustainable local economy independent of external trade routes.


The political landscape of Mol is marked by its struggle to overcome economic hardship and historical grievances. The actions of Lord Karadan Thurstix and the village council, combined with potential negotiations with the gnomes and innovative local initiatives, will shape the future of this hamlet. Balancing pride with pragmatism and leveraging local governance structures will be crucial in navigating Mol through its current challenges towards a more prosperous future.
Township of Mol by 3orcs
"Mol may be small, but its heart beats strong and true."

Notable Figures

Lord Karadan Thurstix 
The current lord of Mol, descended from the original Oeridian Oerid nobles. He is characterized by his stern leadership and pride, often at odds with the gnomes and struggling to improve the hamlet’s economic situation.
  • Personality: Proud, determined, and somewhat inflexible.
  • Motivations: Desires to restore Mol's prosperity and resolve the disputes with the gnomes, but is unwilling to concede past wrongs.
  • Elder Bertram: The village elder, respected for his wisdom and leadership, Bertram has guided Mol through numerous challenges with a steady hand.
Lord Karadan Thurstix by 3orcs
Priestess Elara
The local priestess of Merikka, Elara is a pillar of the community, providing spiritual guidance and support to the villagers.
Priestess Elara The local priestess of Merikka by 3orcs
Garen the Hunter
A renowned tracker and woodsman, Garen is often called upon to deal with threats from the Gnarley Forest and to lead hunting parties.  


Mol does not have a formal military presence but relies on the protection of the Mounted Borderers and the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc. The town guard, comprised mainly of volunteers and local clerics of Merikka, handles minor threats and maintains order.
Defense Structure
  • Town Guard: Local volunteers who serve under the clergy of Merikka, acting as law enforcers.
  • Mounted Borderers: Provide protection and patrols in times of need.
Founding Date
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Adventures and Points of Interest
  • The Old Mill: An ancient watermill on the outskirts of Mol, rumored to be haunted. Adventurers might explore its depths to uncover its secrets.
  • The Kron Hills: The boundary between Mol and the Greenway Valley is a place of mystery and danger, with opportunities for exploration and encounters with wild creatures.
  • The Shrine of St. Cuthbert: A focal point for community gatherings, the shrine is also a place where quests and divine missions might be bestowed upon the faithful.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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