A11 Milinous Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A11 Milinous Manor

A Bastion of Military Nobility in Verbobonc

In the prestigious High Quarter district of Verbobonc, at the terminus of Greyfist Road and nestled at the foot of the Greyfist walls, lies the imposing manor of Lord Simon Milinous. This grand residence not only serves as a testament to Lord Milinous' esteemed position within the noble hierarchy of Verbobonc but also as a symbol of his unyielding martial discipline and strategic acumen.

Location and Architecture

  • Strategic Positioning: Located on Greyfist Road, a street renowned for its luxurious mansions home to Verbobonc's minor nobility, Lord Milinous' manor commands an enviable position that reflects its owner's significance.
  • Fortified Elegance: The manor's architecture is a masterful blend of military fortification and noble residence. Thick stone walls adorned with arrow slits ensure its defensibility, while the luxurious living quarters above offer comfort and a strategic vantage point.

Manor Grounds and Entry

  • Guarded Entrance: Visitors are greeted by four plate-clad guardsmen, a testament to Lord Milinous' emphasis on security and martial readiness. The manor's proximity to the Wrinkle Academy of Magic adds an arcane allure to its already formidable presence.
  • Crest of House Milinous: Every retainer and guard proudly bears the crest of a black griffon, symbolizing the house's valor and Lord Milinous' personal coat of arms.

Interior Splendor

The Parlour
  • A Refuge of Comfort and History: The parlour exudes a rich aroma of wood, alcohol, and pipe weed, complemented by the luxurious leather of high-backed chairs. Tapestries depicting historic battles against formidable foes cover the walls, while books on strategy and history are scattered throughout, reflecting Lord Milinous' martial interests.
Dining Audience Hall
  • Opulent yet Austere: The dining hall's grandeur is undeniable, with its long table set with gleaming porcelain and silverware under the warm glow of candelabras. The dark wood paneling gives the room a somber tone, juxtaposed against the bounty of food that adorns the table, symbolizing the contrast between Lord Milinous' stern exterior and the richness of his domain.

Regular Visitors

  • Noble Lords and Military Leaders: The manor frequently hosts Verbobonc's lords and high-ranking officers of the Mounted Borderers, serving as a crucial hub for military and political strategizing within the Viscounty.
  • Loyalty and Vigilance: The presence of Lord Milinous' loyal retainers underscores the atmosphere of unwavering loyalty and vigilance that permeates the manor, reflecting its master's values.
  Lord Milinous' Manor stands as a formidable fortress and a luxurious abode, embodying the strength, discipline, and nobility of its distinguished owner. Within its walls, the martial spirit of Verbobonc's nobility is nurtured and displayed, making it a central figure in the political and military landscape of the region.
Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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