Session Recap: 23-31

General Summary

Session 23: Disrupting the Order

  The party made their approach to the hidden tunnels beneath Aspengarde's Crests district to slay Ritegrayer Moorhide. Betz was first to enter, making his way stealthily across a ledge overlooking a cross section of tunnels where Ritegrayer was said to be.
  The rest of the party approached from a separate entrance to the north. They snuck in and took up positions. Betz fired the first shot from Widow's Whisper, but the shot flew past Ritegrayer's head and raised the alarm. The rest of the party charged in. The battle was violent. Gonrey used Heat Metal to boil one of the guards alive in his armor. Adresin tossed a guard into a small ravine, while Zin'fir and Re'lar Deeplake went after the remaining guards, slinging fireballs and lightning bolts into the chamber.   Betz traded blows with Ritegrayer himself, until Ritegrayer managed to knock Betz unconscious. He used his body as a shield, but it didn't stop Re'lar from attacking, putting Betz at risk.   Eventually, the party slayed the guards. With just Ritegrayer left, they pushed him to his limits. Ritegrayer incapacitated several party members, but was eventually killed and his body tossed into the sewers as to not be found. The party swiftly gathered their things and boarded a ship provided by Salla'h Prenn.  

Session 24: Three Sails to the Wind

  With Aspengarde behind them, the party headed for Port Mael. Upon arrival, they caught their breath and spent time in the Portside Pub. Betz took Salla'h Prenn to bed, while Zin'fir and Adresin Sanveen began a search for a missing child.   Re'lar inquired about a local contact for the Visitors and prepared to meet them at the docks the following night. Gonrey gathered the necessary supplies for the journey ahead, also purchasing a small treasure map.
  The party questioned Panry Wisewood the next morning about his involvement in the missing child case and his knowledge of The Visitors. Panry denied involvement with the child, but told Re'lar of his contact.   Zin'fir heard that the port's leader had an Eldertide mask hanging in his trophy room and went to see about it, but was turned away.   The party gathered themselves and waited for the night at the dock. The trail for the child had gone cold. Panry met his contact, exchanged something in boxes, and told Re'lar that his contact would inquire about him. As of the current session, this request has gone unfulfilled.   The group left port and headed south towards the coast of the The Shimmering Sands with the crew of the Magdalen now under their employ. Shortly after leaving port, however, a beast approached from below the sea.  

Session 25: All Hands on Deck

  A sea creature, some kind of giant squid, attacked the ship and its crew. The party worked to defend it as crew were tossed left and right. The captain, Boris Bitterstone, was killed in the attack. The creature eventually got its fill of crew members. Re'lar used gusts of wind to propel the ship away from the creature. Gonrey downed his Potion of Giant Strength and piloted the ship out of the dangerous waters.   With a minimal crew, the party limped to shore. On the journey, Zin'fir spotted familiar creatures off the port bow.
  While on watch, Zin'fir was approached by an aspect of the Raven Queen. He asked to speak with Betz, addressing him by "Betzalel".  
After a week at sea, the party arrived on the coast of the Shimmering Sands. They left the ship behind and embarked for Rimden. On arrival, they found it to be abandoned. It looked as though it had been attacked. In the tavern, they met Korick. Korick was cursed to live in an undead state and wanted the party's help to break the spell. They obliged and the crew commandeered a Sand Sled.    

Session 26: The Living and the Dead

  The party headed into the desert. They first had to pass through Orell's Pass, a dangerous stretch of valley that spits travelers out into the dunes. They navigated the high speed winds of the pass, narrowly avoiding rockslides. They rocketed out the other end, only for a sandstorm to blow in shortly after.  
  They flipped the sled over and used it for shelter. During the night, they learned the truth about Korick's curse. He said he had fallen in love with the daughter of a desert shaman. The shaman would not allow Korick to marry her, and so he cursed him and sent him away. Korick's lost love had since died, and he'd been tracking the nomadic clan ever since.   After the storm subsided, the party travelled the rest of the way to The Glass Fields.
It was inside that the party had strange visions. Adresin Sanveen saw a glimpse of his people being wiped out. Zin'fir saw an island of black rock and heard a distant heartbeat.   Betz, Re'lar and Gonrey all shared visions of the history of the Glass Fields. They saw glimpses of a city that once stood in its place. They watched as the sky opened around the city's borders, and the god Ayhen brought his wrath down upon the people of the city.   The party emerged from their visions on the other side of the fields, but none were so shaken as Adresin.   Korick lead the group towards where Belyarus was hiding. When Zin'fir saw Belyarus, he recognized him as a former member of the Eldertide Clan. The group fanned out and prepared an ambush, but Korick sprung the trap. Belyarus made his escape, but Betz wounded him with a shot to the leg. He limped out of the cave and left his people behind to buy him time.   Betz and Zin'fir escaped the cave in time, but lost Belyarus as he headed into an old giant ant colony. They chose to wait for the morning before tracking him inside.   When the morning came, Adresin was gone, as was the Moonspeaker's Headstone. All that remained was a note that read "sorry".  

Session 27: Old Enemies and New Friends

  The party chased after Belyarus. In the ant colony, they found strange spores and corrupted, violent ants. They were quick to dispatch the first few. Deeper within, they stumbled upon an ancient chamber. Held in a stasis was an elven figure. After freeing him, the party learned his name was Javan Meliamne. His people once lived in this land and were known as the Fenralei. But a divine extinction event wiped them out.   The god Ayhen, keeper of order, was tired of their meddling. They elongated their lives through experimentation. Today, they are no more than a forgotten legend.   Javan was granted a chance to live by a dark entity, but he would live under her control. Javan was left with no choice. He joined the party and followed them deeper into the cavern.
  The party cornered Belyarus in the ant queen's chamber. Betz disabled him quickly and left him to deal with the rest of the ants. After defeating the queen, the party gathered around the bleeding body of Belyarus. Zin'fir questioned him on why he left the clan. Belyarus admitted to his own cowardice and offered Zin'fir a warning. He told him about the growing darkness within the splinter group from the Eldertide Clan.   Korick took Belyarus out, lifting his curse. The party helped him reach the dunes once more. He gifted his sidearm to Betz, and told Re'lar Deeplake and Gonrey to seek out Ion Tor when they reached Orion.   Korick thanked the party, and watched the sunset as he drew his final breath.   The party marched on to Orion, stopping at the Kersu Garrison before reaching the city.  

Session 28: Desert Delights

  The party spent one night at the Kersu Garrison. There, they met Sheeva Agnosett, a socialite of the Agnosett family. While she wanted to be carried back to Orion, Gonrey convinced her to walk alongside them instead. At the garrison, Betz noticed Gallego Jonnassian sneaking around.   During the evening, Runis rose. But thanks to the efforts of Olmiir's Brigade and the walls of the fort, the party was safe (also without Adresin Sanveen present, any wolfen attackers may have been temporarily diverted).   The next day, the party arrived in the city of Orion. They were granted a free stay in the Agnosett House, where they finally rested comfortably in proper beds after weeks of grueling travel. They partook in some gambling and lost most of what they put down. Re'lar did manage to win an invitation to a ball at the Dragonfly House.  

Session 29: On the Hunt

  While waiting for Ion Tor's performance, the Griffon Games, and the ball, the party decided to try and make some coin. Betz and Re'lar went after Halka Bloodroot. They managed to catch her and turn her in to the Raven Tower, where Sunkar the Marked is said to live.   The rest of the party visited Sheeva Agnosett to inquire about Gallego Jonnassian. When asked, Sheeva said that he had checked in to a room earlier that day. He would likely return later. The party set up an ambush for him, with Zin'fir in wild shape.   Gallego was writing strange symbols in chalk when the party sprung the trap. Gallego began throwing spells left and right, leaping out the window into the courtyard. The party gave chase. Zin'fir commanded vines to wrap around him, holding him in place. Gonrey took the chance to cast Silence, which prevented Gallego from casting further spells. Zin'fir summoned an earth elemental behind Gallego, which held him in place for Betz to force some Feather down his throat. Gallego passed out.   The party apologized to Sheeva for the mess and took their target in to the Daggerclaws for the reward. They were told he was once a great architect, but something had snapped inside of him. He began to make strange etchings and seemed to have lost his mind completely.  

Session 30: Sin City

The party attended Ion Tor's show at the Merry Desert Theater. They watched him perform illusory magic, before he shifted into the form of Sunkar the Marked and the crowd grew uncomfortable. Ion closed out his show with a bow and the party joined him in his dressing room to discuss The Visitors. He told them the little he knew. Atlas was a training ground for the Visitors. It was a place of great beauty, hidden from the eyes of the Order. He didn't know where it was these days.   He also warned them about Sunkar, going as far as to show them his true form.  
  The party headed back to the Agnosett House for the evening. Javan communed with his pact weapon, Envy's Apprentice. He was told by the voice of a woman to carve a symbol into the next person he kills. That symbol matched the one on Re'lar's letter. It was the Mark of Death.     In the night, Zin'fir was awoken by the sound of the door to the main hall opening slowly. He wild shaped into a fly and headed out to get a closer look. There he saw a dozen or more figures, clad in black and moving through the halls with frightening resolve. He was unable to reenter the party's sleeping quarters before the figures reached the door. They broke the door open and launched a blast of fire into the room.    The party scrambled awake and fought their way out of the building. Eventually, they regrouped at the Bad Luck Tavern.   The next morning, they collected themselves as the Griffon Games took place. Betz put money on the young Half-Elf rider for the Daggerclaws, but broke even in the end. Betz later headed to the House of Sabb to take out his target. Gonrey joined him as they rounded the building, searching for a point of entry. Betz took to the rooftops. He lined up a shot and hit the man inside, Jakarran Sabb. The Half-Orc dropped to the ground, severely injured. If not for his Orc's endurance, he may have died instantly. Betz teleported into the room and tried to finish him off in melee combat. The orc put up a fight, but Betz was able to put him down. He grabbed a box from under the bed and leapt from the window.    

Session 31: Masks

  The day of the masked ball had arrived. The party gathered their clothing and masks before heading to the The Dragonfly House. They checked their weapons at the door before entering. Inside, they were announced one by one. Re'lar Deeplake's name drew some eyes as he stepped into the ballroom.    A variety of guests were present, but only a few revealed names to the party. Javan Meliamne spoke with Lillia Chestnut and Then'natin. Gonrey and Betz assisted Ion Tor as he wooed his ex-wife. Throughout the evening, Betz attempted to court Madam Castallette. Zin'fir and Javan watched from the balcony, placing bets on the outcome.    Eventually, Gonrey played mood music for the pair out in the garden. Betz led Madam Castallette in a dance of his people, one he knew well. She warmed to Betz by the end of the evening.   Re'lar Deeplake kept an eye on the room for the full duration of the party. He was briefly accosted by a masked figure, who wordlessly eyed the boy. He also was able to convince Millisent Valwraith to get him some research from the Zephyrune Observatory.     The party later witnessed a pair of thieves entering a hatch in the back garden. Javan alerted some guards, who notably did not respond to the actual threat in any noticeable way. Re'lar went in after the thieves. Inside the underground passage, he found a smaller, hidden party of masked figures enjoying sadistic entertainment. Deeper down the hall was a tall, locked door as well as a staircase leading further inside. As he turned to leave, he alerted a feral court jester, who chased him out into the gardens. The party quickly soured after the commotion drew the eyes of the party guests. The group left the Dragonfly House behind and prepared for travel to the west in the morning. Outside of the Forge of the Lightbringer, they met with Hirla Elbridge. Betz asked her if she knew Gralin Grasswood, as both names appear on Kaludar's List of Names. She lied and said she had never heard of him. After grouping with Olmiir's Brigade, the party embarked westward.

Rewards Granted

Envy's Apprentice to Javan Meliamne    Korick's Last Breath to Betz    Gold Rewarded to all members

Missions/Quests Completed

Bounty Targets Turned in - Halka Bloodroot and Gallego Jonnassian    Korick's Curse   Ritegrayer Moorhide Killed   Reached Orion

Related Reports

Sheeva Agnosett
Panry Wisewood
Report Date
20 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location