Slann Lord Laershin Character in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Slann Lord Laershin

Lord Laershin is a Slann of the fifth generation and is the youngest Slann in Klodorex.   Before the Great Cataclysm, Lord Laershin was a minor lieutentant of Slann Lord Izzatal. After Izzatal's death, Laershin chose to remain in Klodorex to help rebuidl the Kahoun and to help erect the Monument of Izzatal to honor his late lord.   Laershin rarely gets involved in the main affairs of Klodorex but serves as a liason between the Skink Priests and the city's Slann. Most of the city's Skink priests deal with Laershin often, or at least often since the events of The Orphaned Temple City.   Laershin also oversees most Skinks undergoing the Trials.   Like all Slann, Laershin has full proficiency in all eight common lores of magic and High Magic but Laershin has a personal preference for Life Magic.   Since the reawakening of Merestar from his long torpor, Merestar has encouraged all the kahoun's Slann, Laershin included to take a more active role in Klodorex's affairs. To further this goal, Laershin allows Skink priests to present severely wounded First to him for emergency magical healing. Thus, Klodorex has a much lower casualty rate due to accidents or beast mishaps than most other Lizardmen settlements.


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