The Scouring Storm

The Scouring Storm was a battle fought between Lizardmen and Dark Elves near the kahoun Klodorex.   The Lizardmen won a decisive victory but lost their last vestige of control over Lord Renliss in the process.   This battle forms the tail end of the narrative story Count Renliss' Journey to Lustria and indirectly knocked down proverbial dominoes to set the events of The Orphaned Temple City into motion.

The Conflict


The Monument of Izzatal has long attracted enemies to Klodorex.   Some have merely sought the gold that it's made out of, but others have coveted the magical power it provides, especially the dark elves who are the only major faction in the world that is fully aware of the what the Monument of Izzatal can potentially do.   A Storm of Magic swept over the area and this enabled ALL wizards to use the power of the Monument, at least temporarily. A powerful sorceress predicted the coming of the storm in advance and prepared an army to take it.   Slann Lord Desserex was able to foresee the storm and was able to foresee an attack was imminent, but was not sure from who but he made preparations including magically ensnaring the vampire, Lord Renliss.


The Lizardmen of Klodorex fought with a fairly standard army. A Slann and Temple Guard forming the center supported by Saurus Warrior blocks, skirmishing skinks and several Stegadon and Salamander team.   The army was backed by an unwilling Lord Renliss and his undead army during the Storm of Magic.     The Dark elves were lead by a coven of powerful sorceresses commanding a conventional infantry army with as many support monsters as they could manage.


The battle was fought in a relatively open jungle clearing.


Besides fighting in intermittant thunderstorm conditions (which isn't that odd in Lustria)


The First of Klodorex took heavy losses, especially to their Temple Guard and larger dinosaur units.   The dark elf army were mostly wiped out with less than one-in-ten of the original making it back to Naggoroth alive to tell to the story.


The losses the Lizardmen suffered caused the Slann, or more accurately their skink attendants to adopt a siege mentality and unreasonable paranoia.   Since their crushing defeat, most dark elves aware of Klodorex and the Monument of Izzatal have decided that the risk-to-reward ratio is not worth it for attacking this corner of Lustria.   Lord Renliss was able to access the power of the Storm of Magic to realize that Slann Lord Desserex was telepathically manipulating him all along, impersonating the voice of his disembodied sire. Renliss was able to break his metaphorical chains and swore revenge on the Slann of Klodorex.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Klodorex scored a decisive victory against the dark elves but created a new enemy in the process


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