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Isa Ereskin

132nd High Priestess of Mystra

Powerful and commanding, Isa Ereskin is a female human cleric of Mystra in her early 50s that has led the Church of Mysteries for the past 23 years. Unlike several of her recent predecessors, she has taken a moderate stance on the expansion of Winderia’s influence in Cüro, instead focusing more on solidifying the status quo. She is also more militaristic than many other High Priestesses, aligning herself more closely with the Knight of Mystra than is typical.   Since the end of the First War, the position of High Priestess of Mystra has always been filled by a female human cleric. The High Priestess most commonly rises through the ranks of the Church of Mysteries, as is the case with Isa, but it is not established tradition or holy rule. Mystra chooses the worthiest priestess, regardless of station or lineage. Among scholars and politicians, Isa is considered a solid if unspectacular High Priestess.   Isa lives an exquisite lifestyle. Many luxuries are afforded to her as the High Priestess; she does not decline them, but she also does not seek any more than what is traditional for the position. She resides in the Temple of Nine Stars, which is functionally a small estate within the Mystryl city walls. Set apart from the ceremonial and administrative areas of the temple, her residence is sizable and very well appointed. She is always seen in the finest clothes, and on the few occasions she dons her arms, they are polished to a high shine. Isa genuinely believes presenting herself this way signals strength and stability to the people of Mystryl, and Winderia at large. She knows that some consider her aloof and unaware of the people's needs because of this, but she believes it is best for the city.   Isa wields the artifact Salvation, bestowed upon her by the Goddess upon achieving the position of High Priestess.

The Midnight Mountain Incident

On 21 Fadien 4914 AW, the Cult of Quoros performed a ceremony inside Midnight Mountain. Believing an ancient myth that Quoros was killed by Mystra and buried beneath the mountain, the cult had been perfecting a ritual they believed would resurrect him. Instead, they opened a rift to the Void.   The chaos caused during the ceremony drew the attention of Isa and Virgil Halathar, and they investigated under the mountain for the cause. When they reached the rift, Isa quickly summoned a powerful angel to close the rift, but it was destroyed by the effort. Instead, she called upon Mystra to intervene, but the Goddess could (or would) only close it to a small portal. Accepting what must be done, Isa and Virgil used their Relics of Mystra to seal the portal, sacrificing themselves in the process. They are presumed dead.
The Church of Mysteries
Mystryl City Council   Title(s)/Rank(s)
High Priestess of Mystra   Ethnicity
Human   Age
52 (presumed dead)

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