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Virgil Halathar

163rd Knight of Mystra, 24th of His Name

Virgil Halathar is a male human eldritch knight in his early 40s that has led the Holy Guard for the past seven years. A stoic man, he serves as the high commander of the national army of Winderia. On the very rare occasion that the full military mobilizes, Virgil has chosen to lead from the front, which has not always been the decision made by his predecessors. Virgil also serves as the primary advisor to the individual militias of each city-state.   The position of the Knight of Mystra is always held by an eldritch knight, most often by a human of either sex, though Mystra requires no particular race or hereditary line. That Virgil is the 24th consecutive Knight of Mystra to come from the Halathar family is more coincidence than claim, and Virgil is driven by honor to uphold his family’s name. He has the loyalty of the military and his officers, and he works well with the various leaders in Winderia.   Virgil wields the Arcane Blade, the artifact bestowed upon him by the Goddess upon achieving the position of the Knight of Mystra, and he leads the Holy Guard from Brighthall Castle.

The Midnight Mountain Incident

On 21 Fadien 4914 AW, the Cult of Quoros performed a ceremony inside Midnight Mountain. Believing an ancient myth that Quoros was killed by Mystra and buried beneath the mountain, the cult had been perfecting a ritual they believed would resurrect him. Instead, they opened a rift to the Void.   The chaos caused during the ceremony drew the attention of Virgil and Isa Ereskin, and they investigated under the mountain for the cause. When they reached the rift, Isa tried everything she could to close it. Even with Mystra's intervention, the rift could not be completely sealed. Accepting what must be done, Virgil and Isa used their Relics of Mystra to seal the portal, sacrificing themselves in the process. They are presumed dead.
The Holy Guard
Mystryl City Council   Title(s)/Rank(s)
Knight of Mystra   Ethnicity
Human   Age
42 (presumed dead)

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