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Mystryl Upper Class District

Situated below the terraces of the Mystryl Temple District, the Upper Class District formed as the wealthiest families began to congregate together. Even the smallest home is an impressive structure, enough for two or three families in the common areas of the city. The current nobles living in this district all reside in splendid manors, though the oldest monied families of Mystryl still have the finest estates.   The Upper Class District has the elevated terrace of Midnight Mountain as its northwest border, and it abuts the thick outer city wall on its northeast edge. A lighter stone wall in the shape of a half-circle running from the city wall to the mountain terrace forms the southern border of the district. There are only two entrances to the district through this wall — one each to the southeast and southwest. Both entrances are gated and guarded. Entrance is typically granted only to invited guests and those looking to make substantial deals with the high-end businesses of the district, including the following:  

Provenance Trust

  • Type: Bank & Exchange (shop)
  • Guild Member: No
  • Description: This immaculate structure deals only in the largest sums, with a high minimum balance required to have your wealth kept or managed there. Provenance also hosts high-end auctions and has the city's most reputable market for gem trading. The Trust employs highly-skilled appraisers to authenticate items up for auction or trade. The building is heavily guarded by the most capable arms money can buy. Provenance Trust has yet to consider joining the new Banking Guild forming in Mystryl.
  • Notability: None

Hearts and Flours

  • Type: Baker (shop)
  • Guild Member: Yes
  • Description: Hearts and Flours has enough resources to build, staff, and operate multiple hearth ovens in the shop. Each employee specializes in a different type of baked good, all of which are highly regarded. This shop was the first to suggest a Bakers Guild in Mystryl and is a leader in the organization.
  • Notability: None


  • Type: Tailor (shop)
  • Guild Member: Yes
  • Description: First-time visitors to Mystryl may be surprised at how many tailors there are in the city, and Violet is considered the finest by many. It deals mainly in formalwear for the city's elite to show off at major functions. Geddlyn Ynipre, the forest gnome proprietor, is an expert in the craft. Her signature style always includes deep shades of purple, either as the primary color or as a featured highlight. Her work is easily identified in a crowd, which helps her rich and powerful clients pick out and judge those who shop at lesser establishments. She is a dominant voice in the Tailors Guild.
  • Notability: None


  • Type: Luxury Furnishings (shop)
  • Guild Member: No
  • Description: Simply named after its owner, the high elf Rania Ermys, this shop deals in the finest home and business furnishings in Mystryl. Many of the same goods are available in other large cities (particularly Vorba), but only this shop comes with Rania's discerning eye and ability to curate the best collections. Neither the goods nor her expertise come cheaply.
  • Notability: None

Arcond's Health and Wellness

  • Type: Doctor/Apothecary (service)
  • Guild Member: No
  • Description: Arcond's is one of the few doctors in Mystryl. Rather than relying on magical healing, he provides practical care and medicine. What makes Arcond unique, other than his skills, is that he is one of the very few dragonborn operating independently and out in the open rather than remaining secluded away with a clan. Arcond and his family show the distinct coloration of gold dragon heritage.
  • Notability: None

Behind the Silver Veil

  • Type: Soothsayer (service)
  • Guild Member: Yes
  • Description: Tucked into a dark corner of the Upper Class District is Behind the Silver Veil, a little shop filled with silly trinkets and dark tapestries. The only service offered but never guaranteed is prophecy. The shop is run by a woman known as Edali, and she always wears a beautiful silver veil over her entire head, never revealing her face to her customers.
  • Notability: Edali is a renowned soothsayer, and most assume she is a skilled divination wizard. However, a few people think something more is happening behind that veil, as well as the door to the back of her shop.

Arlo's Butchery

  • Type: Butcher (shop)
  • Guild Member: No
  • Description: Arlo's provides the district with the finest cuts of meat. Arlo Nanne, the shop's owner, makes frequent trips to the market square to purchase the best cattle offered by local farmers and traveling merchants. Due to his skill, district residents will also bring their own livestock to him to be butchered at their request.
  • Notability: Arlo is well known for his generous spirit. He never turns away a customer, even someone clearly out of their element in the Upper Class District. He often gives discounts to those less well off, finding ways to extract the difference from the local wealth, if he can at all. Perhaps this is why his shop is just a touch lower in quality than expected for a business operating in an elite district. This doesn't detract from his enthusiasm.

The Goddess' Gown

  • Type: Tailor (shop)
  • Guild Member: No
  • Description: Lendor Rhoke, the owner of the Goddess' Gown, is an aloof man, believing he is Mystra's gift to fashion and that only the rarest textiles and finest formalwear are worth his talents. He recently chose to leave the Tailors Guild, believing it was capping his maximum revenue potential. Strangely enough, business has slowed, and he does not have the same client list to get by selling only high-end clothing. Anyone walking by can overhear him complaining that the Tailors Guild is unfairly targeting him, turning his clients against him. Unfortunately for him and his smug sensibilities, he is now forced to open his doors to the "riffraff" of Mystryl, making everyday clothing for anyone who has coin.
  • Notability: None

The Golden Mare

  • Type: Stable (service)
  • Guild Member: Yes
  • Description: Surprisingly, the Upper Class District has its own stables located at the junction of the large outer wall and the southeast district wall. They are kept in exquisite condition. Waste is quickly collected and thrown outside the city. Stablehands are paid handsomely to groom and care for the animals of the wealthiest families.
  • Notability: None
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