Jonaret Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


Jonaret is the last stop before the Erathis Jungle in East Bulan, and for good reason. On the northern border of the Erathis Jungle there is the lair of a powerful green dragon, Bryrdarth, who claims the lands for himself. Attempts have been made to reason with him, and eventually there were even expeditions to try and slay him, but all have failed and he has only grown more powerful with time. Quite often throughout the last 500 years or so, denizens of the jungle will sail along the coast to Rocast Cay so they may begin a new life in Jonaret. Some move further into East Bulan, but most find that they appreciate being near enough the jungle to get a glimpse of home still.


Species Percent of Population
Human 42%
Tabaxi 31%
Goblin 22%
Half-Elf (Wood), Half-Orc and Other Remaining 5%

Industry & Trade

Jonaret is first and foremost a port-city. Settled directly behind Rocast Cay there is natural protection and a stunning variety of sea-life available nearby. There are a few that believe this way is the quickest way to traverse Zelid, as they will pass by Jonaret before sailing around the Erathis Jungle and the Almaz Savanna so that they can move towards the Peskilik Kingdom for trade. It is the last stop in civilized lands before the months long journey and as such sailors and merchants find this city to be a fulfilling way point where their last desires may be satiated before heading out.


Some 500 years ago, Jonaret was a moderately sized village that was hardly a destination of interest amongst the people of Retsil, however when the most recent Rectavagance and the Portal of Law opened in the Rocast Cay, the Rainbow Reef was created and destroyed much of the city. As it was rebuilt, the city was crafted into the reef itself. Now, enormous pillars and arches and walls of reef stick out of the ground and have buildings built atop and inside of them even on the surface.


As the name of the Rainbow Reef implies, the city is a colorful mixing pot of coral buildings and towers.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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