Jerret Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


As a proud city of the Bultsil County in the greater Retsil Dukedom of East Bulan, Jerret stands as a growing trade-city on the southwest fringe of the nation. Its population is growing, and word of its unique Flint crafts are beginning to spread far across the The Hallish Federation and even beyond The Ulbril Plains to distant nations in some parts of the world.


Jerret's Demographic is split up as follows:
Species Percent of Population
Human 44%
Half-Orc 26%
Half-Elf (Wood) 14%
Orc 6%
Wood Elf, Tabaxi, Goblin & Other Remaining 10%

Industry & Trade

Jerret has 3 main industries:
-Timber from the Oth'Green Forest. The timber here is a dense hardwood sought after as it has a similar appearance to the Great Gold Sequoias of the Avanalla Forest, but the Watchers of the Green do not stop the citizens of East Bulan or West Bulan from taking from it.
-There is a large reserve of flint in and around the are, on the eastern edge of the Oth'Green Forest that many citizens of Jerret can mine in order to make a living. This is shipped out across the region for use in jewelry, smithing, fletching.
-Finally, Jerret stands at the end of Crossby Lane, and thus receives a moderate amount of through-trade as merchants from the southern portions of East Bulan come looking for a deal in Jerret, and the other cities of the Bultsil County.

Guilds and Factions

There are 3 major factions in Jerret that are contending for control of the city:

The Jerret Woodsman Guild is the largest faction in the city and led by Alene Alltogume. They have been around the longest and their guild leader is given the title of Viscount of Bultsil County and ruler the city with the blessing of the Marquess of the Retsil Dukedom. They influence everything from how buildings are constructed, to where new land can be claimed and used for purposes. They employ the woodcutters that are the life-blood of the cities logging industry as well as the carpenters and craftsmen that use the timber. They recently invited the Order of the Crimson Cowl to set up a trading outpost in the city with their blessing and have been working to create a good relationship with them.

Viridian Major Cuovol and his Company of mercenaries have been growing in power in the recent decades. They are paid for in part by the Triduke Retsil to support the surrounding regions, but with the Solidarity war having been on the backburner they have been a general force working simply to maintain order and protect the people. They have been gaining traction recently as Major Cuovol grows more popular, and some even are pushing for him to take the title of Viscount from Alene.

The third and smallest of the major three factions in Jerret is The Flint Flake Guild. This guild maintains the other major industry within the local area: mining and crafting with Flint. There is a significant portion of Flint mined in Wolfwater and the guild basically owns that town, but in Jerret there are the craftsmen for the guild and additionally, a few more smaller mines around the area. They have seen how the people love Major Cuovol and the talons, but feel loyalty towards the history of the city in the Woodsman's Guild. Their leader, Gordon Gamble.

Additionally, there are a handful of minor factions in Jerret that are trying to influence the city to suit their own needs in one way or another.

The Church of Ezona has been growing in popularity, their priests having brought new types of healing that the city had previously not had access to. Additionally, as they enter, the locals find that there is more money being spent by the priests in the local economy and it is growing quickly, where it usually hadn't.


Before the formation of the Hallish Federation, Jerret was a moderately sized logging town. They had no relation to West Bulan and were considering out on the fringes of the Retsil Duchy. This all changed though when the Solidarity War began. By simple luck, Jerret was situated in a great spot at the edge of the Crossby Valley and it began to explode in size as trade picked up quickly. The loggers and carpenters quickly formed the Woodsman Guild and the guild-leader has been the leader of the town as it has grown into a city. This tradition has held strong, and although there is commerce beyond solely lumber passing through the town, the largest guild by and far is still the Woodsman Guild.


The Gold Canopy District - the high class district where the wealthy live.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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