Retagas Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


Better known as the Vinum City, Retagas is not a desirable destination for any every-day Joe Schmo. Come to the Vinum City to enjoy the finest wines in the world, courtesy of the Annata Vineyard, Milung Vineyard and Treingueidol Vineyard. These three family run vineyards have been the driving force behind the growth of Retagas since before it could even be classified as a town. Since their spike in popularity though the city has steadily been increasing in size as those with a taste for the finer things in life have come.


Species Percent of Population
Human 60%
Half-Elf (High) 24%
Half-Orc 10%
Tabaxi and Other Remaining 6%

Industry & Trade

Of course, when an industry becomes popular enough the surrounding businesses begin to warp as they become effected by it too and that has been seen in Retagas.   Retagas is home to some of the finest glass-makers in East Bulan. This originally began as there was a need to increased demand for glass bottles, but over time the craftsmen refined their skills and ventured out to create works of art and religious icons.   After its popularity had grown, Retagas also began to attract artists and calligraphers to design and create labels for the wine-bottles. This was a more recent development, as the Vintners Guild wanted to try it out, and is still being investigated but the increase in creative minds in the city has drawn the attention of followers of Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity.   Along with the bottles and labels, there is also a significant population of carpenters in the city under the employ of the wine businesses. They craft barrels when needed, which is often, and otherwise help maintain the city and build new buildings. There has been recent discussion to create a carpenters guild in Retagas, but nothing has been official done yet about it.

Guilds and Factions

The Vintners' Guild is the most significant organization in the city by far, as they are the real reason for its original boom in growth and popularity.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Vinum City
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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