Vester Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil



The 5 Houses of Vester rule over the city:
  • House Al'Vere 
  • House Damodred 
  • House Kinderode 
  • House Meldin 
  • House Sarvalur 


Vester, perhaps better known as Stonewheel, is an ancient city built over the ruins of the destroyed city Erivester after the city was nearly destroyed by an army of undead. After seeing the city destroyed once, the inhabitants decided to build up the defenses; an impermeable wall of grey-flake stone now surrounds the city in a large circle. Within that wall, the city is split into a smaller circular district with its own walls, and from that out to the main wall 5 more districts each sectioned off by its own walls as well. The goal was to make the city sectional in case of fire, outbreak, invasion or something else unimaginable.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Owning Organization


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