Ledonret Settlement in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


The largest city in Bultsil County, and third largest city in all of the Retsil Dukedom, Ledonret has grown by exploiting the generous amounts of laborers that come from the Erathis Jungle and Brellor Floodplains to the south around the mountains. There is a massive supply of silver in the area surrounding Ledonret, that the Marquess of the Retsil Dukedom claims ownership of.


Species Percent of Population
Human 46%
Tabaxi (Erathis) 16%
Goblin (Erathis) 12%
Half-Elf (Wood) 10%
Half-Orc 8%
Deep Gnome, Orc, Tabaxi (Peskilik) & other Remaining 8%

Industry & Trade

Ledonret's industry consists mainly as a major way-point at the northern tip of the Anaurch Mountains and its large reserves of silver and the famous Lediq Silver Mines.


Ledonret may be a large provider of silver to the rest of the Retsil Dukedom, but it's importance is mainly due to its historical nature. Ledonret was forward settled by the people of the Retsil dukedom before even Bulan Ontensil was born. This city was to be a new bastion of wealth and civilizaiton, and although the lands proved harsher than expected and could not support as large a population as perhaps the original settlers had hoped it has long stood as a powerful outpost from which the Retsil Dukedom protects and watches the southern borders of East Bulan.
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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