Session 5: Wind in your sails Report

General Summary

After getting all of your stuff back, you began to go back to your normal nightly routine. Martin d'Jorasco, Artemis Sindarin, Magnum Opus all decided to do some gambling and made some money playing Hog Lob. L3-37 Redgrave entertained the crew, and his sister Vivienne had a heart to heart with Artemis. Moe Boom tried to make nice with Jaundiced Jape, but he seemed to be hostile beyond reproach and tried to cold-cock Moe when he was distracted. Nyx got to know Tam "Narwhal" Tate a little better, and seemed to sway him a little bit at the very least. With the evening coming to a close, you all went to sleep where Nyx was haunted by a disturbing nightmare.  

Day 6 - Rain

  The next day revealed the first non-nominal weather of the journey. Artemis and Moe went looking for trouble near the officers quarters. Moe, in search of Wilson; and Artemis in search of a map. Artemis decided to set off a trap inside the officer's quarters which resulted in Riaris Krine calling over Master Scourge who issued 8 Lashes o' the Cat to Artemis. Nyx also shirked her duty (what else is new) and earned herself 3 lashes for her trouble. The day otherwise was uneventful. Near the end of the day shift, Vivienne spotted something strange in the bilges and reported that back to the rest of the group. She also told Master Scourge about it who seemed to become visibly disturbed upon hearing about it. Saved by the bell though, it was time for Bloody Hour.   Artemis took his lashes, and passed out after 4. He was one lash away from death when Vivienne intervened, taking his last lash. After that excitement, Nyx was up. In response to receiving lashes, she manifested her tentacle powers to rebuke Mr. Plugg. This seemed to visibly disturb the crew, and Barnabus Harrigan decided that her punishments would be the sweatbox instead. After three hours, Peppery Longfarthing retrieved her from the box and basically hinted that if that continued, Nyx would be left at sea.   Sandara Quinn healed Artemis's wounds and informed him that someone had saved his life. He healed himself the rest of the way, and regrouped in time to see Nyx being returned to the lower deck. After regrouping, Vivienne elaborated on what she had seen in the bilges and the majority of you decided to investigate. What you found in the bilges seemed to be there for Nyx and it beckoned for her to return. It Mentioned someone name Hriggala which your immediate knowledge suggested is a creature that gives Kraken's nightmares. Nyx told you what she remembered from her past, trying to make sense of this new revelation. You began to ask yourself what sort of trouble was Nyx really in? What deal did she actually make?   How far will Hriggala go to get her back?  

Day 7 - Storm on the Horizon

  The weather is getting worse. Most of you worked diligently, with Nyx opting to shirk of course. Martin, working with a somewhat coherent Kroop, discussed brewing some alcohol using a kit he purchased from Cut-Throat Grok . It all starts with clean water, so Martin set some barrels on the deck to start collecting...

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