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Elphora Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Elphora
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Supporting Cast
  • Achievement
    Assistant mayor and assistant to the mayor turned Mayor of Prith, Achievement is trying to hold everything together and running the town of Prith.
  • Adran Vanalla
    Half-elf wizard looking to study the marks on the PCs. Has helped them on their journey
  • Anastasia Krylova
    Dimitri's older sister. Hot and glamorous. Is on the run from the Shadow Wings. Probably won't be seen again
  • Andraste Terrenglade
    Acting headmistress of The Magecrest Magic Institution at only 25 years old
  • Audra
    Bronwyn's girlfriend. Is 8 months pregnant from a previous relationship
  • Ava Dubois
    Human studying at the Magecrest Magic Institution. Doesn't know magic. Fan of Ander having heard stories of him at the school. Really just wants to be a warrior
  • Bonnie
    Bonnie is a nurse at one of the temples in Brightcrest. Her twin sister is a dreamer of Slaine. Has been sent to follow Pothos and make sure she's doing what the church wants her to do
  • Bronwyn
    Dimitri's old partner when he was in the guard
  • Claira
    Half-elf monk. Is in a polyamorous relationship with Lucan and Rider. Is probably the coolest of them all.
  • Erdan Terrenglade
    Younger brother to Ander. Made Ander's new arm. Has basically invented the concept of an artificer, but just calls it 'magical tinkering'
  • Flora
    Falin's fiance
  • Gwen
    Gwen is a tiefling child that the party came across in the feywild. She was owned by a witch after her mother sold her for warlock powers. The party have brought her back to the material planes. She has been adopted by Bronwyn and had her name changed to Gwen; it used to be Tear.
  • Hastae
    Hastae is an elven druid with seeming mastery over her wildshape. She lived on the outskirts of Magecrest but has agreed to relocate up north with Adran for the time being so that he can study her mark
  • Jammy
    Jammy. A thief. A miracle. A man? Can't die. The proof? Has never died
  • Keyah
    Twin sister to Bonnie. A dreamer for the church of Slaine. Was dreaming of Pothos and is keeping tabs to help her develop
  • Lei
    A changeling bard. First met the party while working for the crystal serpents. Became marked in Hobluff. Has a focus on invisibility magic and has become a good ally to the team. In a relationship with Raymond
  • Lucan
    The party know Lucan as the man who stole a bunch of elven artefacts then easily bested them in combat
  • Pandora
    The party met Pandora on the road. She was attacked by goblins and travelled with them to Oddstoke.
  • Prick
    From a scared bandit threatening the party to an artificer's apprentice, the party have watched Prick grow up.
  • Raymond
    Raymond was raised by a monastery for Njord in Hobluff where he eventually became a priest. After getting a mark he was excommunicated by the church and had to find a new life. With nothing better to do he moved to Oldden with Lei to allow Adran to protect him. Is now in a relationship with Lei.
  • Rider
    Halfling. In a polyamorous relationship with Lucan and Claira. Is the one who can actually teleport. Is a sorcerer
  • Sasha
    Old friend of Dimitri's. Used to be in the Shadow Wings. Is now on the run with Anastasia
  • Simon Simons
    Simon always wanted to be a wizard but his plans were put on hold when his girlfriend, Lila got pregnant. When their son was 13 Simon spur of the moment faked his own death and ran away to magic school. Karma has caught up with him seeing as he developed a mark and got tracked down by the party who are friends of Prick and Lila. Simon has once again left magic school so that Adran may protect him.
  • Varis Terrenglade
    Varis is Ander's evil older brother

Sessions Archive

5th Feb 2023

Session 56: As the World Caves In

Everyone, all at once

5th Feb 2023

Session 55: Safirin.


22nd Nov 2022

Session 54 BRIAN


8th Nov 2022

Session 53: Welcome to Tyopha Water and Industries

The party want meetings with President Tyopha, as well as the curator. What else could be going on?

31st Oct 2022

Session 49: What Have You Done Today to Deserve Your Eyes?

The party want to hitch a ride with the travelling continent of Safirin.

31st Oct 2022

Session 50: The New Continent!

Dry land! The new continent is real and seems to be an empty desert.

31st Oct 2022

Session 51: Civilisation Discovered.

A... settlement. Seems this continent isn't as empty as it seems.

31st Oct 2022

Session 48: Ophelia?

Lucan dragged everyone on his Big Favour. The party are off sailing. Then they come across pirates. A weirdly familiar pirate. Ophelia?

31st Oct 2022

Session 52: History Repeats Itself

The party have been welcomed by Shokoy and Tyopha Industries. The want to go to the museum.

4th Jun 2022

Session 47: The World is On Fire

Pavel was behind Erdon Vaughnt's kidnapping - he wanted to get to Dimitri. And yet... He ran away. Varis found out that the party scried on him. Now the house is on fire. New marked are coming soon.

30th May 2022

Session 46: A Hostage Situation.

Achievement has a job

30th May 2022

Session 45: Varis' Workshop

What's Inside?

16th May 2022

Session 44: So... where's Varis?

Heading to Magecrest, gotta find out whether that criminal escaped afterall.

12th May 2022

Session 43: Jax Kazaaz

The party are meant to be helping Jax Kazaaz.

Read the Report
5th May 2022

Session 42: Alive Again.

The party woke up in a morgue.

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25th Apr 2022

Session 41: Goodbye Mementos (Hopefully)

time to kill ourselves and leave mementos.

Read the Report
13th Apr 2022

Session 40: Ander Now, Then Out.

Ander's turn.

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31st Mar 2022

Session 39: Saint Pothos

Pothos' turn.

Read the Report
21st Mar 2022

Session 38: Into The Mists.

Darkness Consumes.

Read the Report
14th Mar 2022

Session 37: The Moons Are All Full

Keyah briefly warned Pothos that demons find their way out during the Fool's Fair in Oddstoke each year, and she wants her down there to mitigate damage.   But its not just the Fool's Fair, its also the day every moon is meant to be full.

Read the Report
8th Mar 2022

Session 36: Lochla, the festival of Slaine

(1) help Bonnie set up (2) enjoy the festival

Read the Report
28th Feb 2022

Session 35: Back to Brightcrest

Pothos gets to take time seeing her parents, then the party have to do something back in Brightcrest

Read the Report
21st Feb 2022

Session 34: Pothos Pirate Who?

The party are in Tortlehold, the Porters are in Ackney. Do the Porters even matter?

Read the Report
14th Feb 2022

Session 33: Tortlehold

The party are arriving in Tortlehold! Is this the day Pothos gets to meet her parents? Are the Porters even her parents?

Read the Report
7th Feb 2022

Session 32: To The Port(ers)

The Party have decided that they should take the letter from Bonnie and go to the address of Mr and Mrs Porter. The quickest way to get there is by boat. Time for some sailing fun!

Read the Report
31st Jan 2022

Session 31: New Year, New You, No More Vampires

The party have returned from the much-deserved winter holidays after killing Valentina. One problem: they're actually out of money. Time to take a paying job.

Read the Report
14th Dec 2021

Session 30: Fuck You, Valentina

It's finally time for this vampire to die.

Read the Report
6th Dec 2021

Session 29: Vampires are NEEDY

To get their friends back the party need to help out Valentina. They've completed 2 tasks. 4 to go.

Read the Report
11th Nov 2021

Session 28: THATS where the vampires are

So, that theatre troupe? Band of vampires. NOT actors. They've got 6 of the party's friends. Valentina is making the party get her 6 items in exchange of the safety of their friends. What to do?

Read the Report
4th Nov 2021

Session 27: Where are the Vampires?

Last time the party wanted to hunt some vampires. Then they remembered they didn't know how to hunt for vampires. Maybe they'll figure it out this time.

Read the Report
11th Oct 2021

Session 26: Vampires?

The party want to solved the vampire problem around Magecrest. The only problem is, they have no leads on the vampires.

Read the Report
29th Sep 2021

Session 25: Its Dave.

Its Dave. Pothos, some of your shit is about to come out.

Read the Report
23rd Sep 2021

Session 24: What Now?

The party seem to have completed all of their outstanding goals. What could be the next step? Bronwyn might need more help, and Dimitri didn't get a real conversation with Anastasia or Sasha

Read the Report
16th Sep 2021

Session 23: To Oddstoke

Dimitri's friend Sasha has been getting in contact with him. The party have decided it's time to see what he wants

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11th Sep 2021

Session 22: What Happened to Oldden?

The party want to head to their hometown to find out what has happened, but first they need to make the long trek back

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 21.5: An Interlude

The party meet up with an acting troupe who need their help.

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 21: The Tree of Life

The party have been sent into The Bluff Cluster to try and find the Tree of Life. No one has ever found it before, so can the party succeed?

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 20: How Do You Solve A Problem Like Simon Simons?

Simon Simons is... alive. That was unexpected. How exactly is the party going to deal with him?

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 19: Family Drama

The next leg of the journey is Magecrest, where Ander is from and where is family still are.

Read the Report
28th Aug 2021

Session 18: Ancient History

Lucan want to meet the party in Beefalls to discuss something that he has discovered about The Old World

Read the Report
27th Aug 2021

Session 17: The Heist

The party know what they need to do to get the money back, the question is can they do it?

Read the Report
27th Aug 2021

Session 16: A Hospital Visit

Ander has had an... unfortunate accident and now has to rest for a few days

Read the Report
24th Aug 2021

Session 15: The Next Step

The Party are due to go to the next step on their road trip, Brightcrest, where they intend to get Lila and Prick's arm healed.

Read the Report
24th Aug 2021

Session 14: A Murder

The party stumble upon a body. Can they solve the murder?

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 13: Sheep?

The party know that they are going to be going on a road trip soon, but something happens before they are able to make way.

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 11: The Fair

There is going to be a fair in Statten tomorrow, and the party are going to go.

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 12: The Chase

The party see a man they think they recognise at the fair. He started to run, and now they are too.

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 10: The Minotaur

The party get a request while at the ceremony declaring them as heroes.

Read the Report
21st Aug 2021

Session 9: The Missing Sceptre

Last night a sceptre from the Prith museum went missing, and Achievement wants the party to retrieve it.

Read the Report
20th Aug 2021

Session 8: The Assassination

There is only one step left in Ivor's plan. Will it go smoothly?

Read the Report
20th Aug 2021

Session 7: An Interesting Proposal

Ivor want to talk to the party about a job offer.

Read the Report
19th Aug 2021

Session 6: Where is He, What's Happening?

The party have to try and find the final marked man.

Read the Report
19th Aug 2021

Session 5: New Marks

Adran has managed to find out when the new marked come in, and it is very soon. He wats the party to go and locate them

Read the Report
18th Aug 2021

Session 4: The Crystal Serpents

It's time to take n that troublesome gang.

Read the Report
18th Aug 2021

Session 3: Dragons Already!?

The party are still on a quest to get the items for Lila's disease. There are two ingredients left.

Read the Report
17th Aug 2021

Session 2: Small Chores

Adran has a couple tasks for you to do.

Read the Report
17th Aug 2021

Session 1: New Marks

You wake in prison with suspicious and painful marks. What could they be?

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ander Anderson

Human (Noble)
Barbarian 8
106 / 106 HP

Pothos Pirate

Neutral Human (Entertainer)
56 / 56 HP

Dimitri Lenin Thorne (Krylov)

CN Fallen assimar ()
Rogue 8
52 / 52 HP