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Star Trek 2370

A Edge of the Empire game In the world of Star Trek 2370
| Looking for Players

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 7th February 2024 20:00

An Entirely Electra Holiday Special / Happy Q-Year!

Holiday traditions foster delight while tragic memories fester unabated.   At the beginning of the new year, a special guest boards the Electra, much to the dismay of the crew.

Sessions Archive

17th Sep 2022

Session 1: Deadly Consequences

The U.S.S. Electra orbits Damitar 4 where Captain Lianne Marcus attempts to broker peace between its warring factions. The crew of the Electra is tasked with upholding Starfleet's highest standards and maintaining a safe, secure atmosphere for peace talks. While the bridge crew engages in tense negotiations, the less visible but equally important jobs of maintenance and beautification fall to the lower deckers...

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Sorra Tefin

Ensign Marley Vash

Tatiana Fox

Pleiades Solace