An ending with a lot of questions by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Thu 4th Feb 2021 12:10

An ending with a lot of questions

by Thilivern Tarav

The day has come, the final day that would decide if we could reclaim the bazaar or if this would be the day that the 3 big city's would lose and the continent could become engulfed with these undead...
As the signal was given to attack I followed the frontline with my two companions, I have come this far and would not dare to stay behind.
It would shame me for many years to follow.
We fought and supported the armies, but if we made a difference, I do not know.
Eventually I noticed a single opponent within the lines of the enemy and we decided to fight him, even if we could not kill it we could stall it until the rest of the army could help us.
But from the moment we engaged the enemy's troops surrounded us and the strong looking undead as if to say that nobody could help us.
In the fight itself we had trouble, we hit him many times more than we could do with a footsoldier but he did not waver, eventually Bokrug was down but I could heal him back up.
After a hard-fought battle where we could easily lose our lives if the surrounding enemies would attack us we defeated the opponent.
And the moment he fell to the ground all the other undead around us fell too.
Not a single one kept standing, they all died.
Did we defeat the leader?
Was he the only one?
Did we need to prepare for another invasion?
More than 1 question popped in my head, but I could not find a single answer.
After the battle I met up with the commander from Deladar Morndin and Waterway and made contact with them for the future and the exchange of information but they could not tell me a lot more...