An unexpected journey by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Sat 19th Dec 2020 11:40

An unexpected journey

by Thilivern Tarav

It had become 5 days since i had boarded the ship, i had met almost everyone on the ship and would laugh everyday and tell story's every night.
The problem was the night on the 5th day, we were woken up by a large rumble and panic on the deck of the ship.
When everyone was shocked awake and came looking what had happened, we discovered that we were being attacked by another ship.
I don't know if it were pirates or a ship from another enemy but we were overwhelmed by them. We tried to fight back as hard as we could but the ship did sink in the end.
All of us were like driftwood in the water and swept away by the rough sea.
When i woke up there was death all around me, i saw a lot of corpses from the crew that i had befriended in the last few days.
I was lucky to be alive and my greatest joy was knowing that Skadi was still by my side alive and well.
When i looked around for survivors i noticed that the Bokruk (tortle) and Jeffrey (human) were also alive, just unconscious.
We were on a beach close to a forest, i did not know were i was, it could be either continent or an uncharted island.
When Bokruk and Jeffrey had woken up i searched for a landmark and foor to survive while the other two dug a grave for our fallen friends.
I had noticed that we were still in Ugathas, probably by the forest in wich lied Tel'dur.
So it was a natural thing to travel north back to Mensfield, even though i dreaded the idea of coming back to that place.
While we walked we saw a glimmering in the forest and decided to check it out.
It was that moment that we saw the same people or undeads that had attacked Mensfield.
We tried to hide, but it did not turn out how we wanted and we had to engage in combat.
The combat did not go easy as none of us were proficient in fighting, i even got on the point of being on the verge of death.
It was also the moment that Skadi had showed her true form in front of others so openly.
When i woke up i noticed that the fight was over and all of us survived, i thank Skadi for my protection and made a silent quick prayer of thanks to Sehanine.
Even though Skadi had showed herself to my friends, they did not ask questions about it, and somewhere is was happy about it because i did not know how to explain it to them.
From that day forward we traveled only on the beach and dared not to venture into the forest.