A city in the trees by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Sun 20th Dec 2020 09:36

A city in the trees

by Thilivern Tarav

After a few days of travel we saw a barrier on the beach, like a slight shimmering in the air.
We did not know what it was but we were tired and our judgement had become clouded.
We were not as careful as we should have been, we went straight inside the barrier without checking if it was a safe thing to do.
Luckily for us when we crossed the barrier we were at the edge of some mountain's that I recognized, We were at Winters Peak.
I knew the place so I led the party back to civilization, we traveled the day to Nimloth, city of woodelves.
When we arrived we walked straight to the inn "The Laughing Fairy" were we got a warm meal for the first time in days.
after the meal we discussed our plans for the future and what we would do.
It was pretty clear that the best course of action would be to go to the crossroad bazaar because it was the center of the continent and all our options would be open from that point forth.
We payed for our rooms for the evening and would leave the next morning as escorts for a traveling merchant to make a little money.