The undead Bazaar by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Thu 24th Dec 2020 11:28

The undead Bazaar

by Thilivern Tarav

As we were traveling for a few days, we would almost arrive at the Crossroad Bazaar.
But as we got near we saw smoke and ash at the horizon, there was a fire.
This was not a normal fire like a small house where a candle had fallen on a rug, no this fire looked like it could illuminate the whole skyline if it was night.
As we got nearer we heard screams and saw people fleeing away from the bazaar, it was clearly at that point that the bazaar was under attack and was overrun.
We kept moving, hoping that the guards and soldiers could stabilize the situation and we could travel through.
But we were surprised when we found out that the attackers were the undead we fought before, only a much larger size.
The only difference was that they seemed calm, like they were living their own lives and could not be bothered by us as we rode through.
Unfortunately, that was a simple hope that would soon be the greatest mistake we could make as we rode through the bazaar.
Two undeads attacked us, and Skadi, Jeffrey and Bokrug would soon be lying on the ground dying.
Is was the only one still on my feet and trying to fight, fortunately Skadi always had a shocking recovery and stood up after a few seconds, her vitality keeps me amazed, even after more than 120 years together.
together we could finish the fight and kept low waiting for Bokrug and Jeffrey to wake up.
Bokrug had been given a huge scar on his arm in this fight, but thankfully it was nothing more serious.
When everyone had woken up, we would sneak back to the carriage and rush towards Deladar Morndin.