Burrows, shadows and a fight at sea by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Sat 4th Sep 2021 11:40

Burrows, shadows and a fight at sea

by Thilivern Tarav

The day after the conversation with Bokrug, we noticed a few burrows around his house and the townspeople noticed the last few days shadows in the water.
It put me on edge, and didn't know what could create these burrows in the sand or what these shadows in the water could be.
Could it be a manifestation from the nightmares, or is this a remainder from last night events?
Whatever it was, we decided to investigate the shadows in the water.
We borrowed a small fishersboat from the local fisher and went out to sea.
Once we were far out in the sea we saw the shadows, Bokrug even hit one of the shadows with a paddle wich let to a fight with huge shrimp like creatures.
a paddle broke and Bokrug fell into the water.
When Bokrug fell into the water, the swarmed him and dragged him away.
There was no way we could match their speed, we lost Bokrug in the sea...
When we returned to shore, I was ready to prepare a funeral for Bokrug the next day. This was also a reason to place a shrine dedicated to Melora.
Unexpectedly the very next day Bokrug was back in Wulvaz the next day, I had my doubts if it was really him or that it was my imagination, but soon it was clear that it was really Bokrug.
I had not lost a friend that day...
After this whole ordeal, we decided it was best to continue the journey and went to Waterway to prepare for a long trip