A change in life by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Sat 19th Dec 2020 11:05

A change in life

by Thilivern Tarav

Day 1: this was the day my life took a turn from my many years of traveling the world in peace, what was supposed to be a simpel journey from Mensfield to Xevean turned around by a horrible attack of the undead.
Even when i took action against them i felt horrible..
I had killed someone or something. It was different from a simple hunting trip for food or fur.
It was a fight of life and death with no value.
What surprised me even more was that i was extremely calm on the outside, i conversed normally with a guard named Brinn as if nothing bad had happened or if it was the most normal way of life for me.
The only good thing about that day was that i got a free boattrip to Xevean as thanks...