The calmness before the storm by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Fri 1st Jan 2021 08:46

The calmness before the storm

by Thilivern Tarav

After we arrived at Deladar Morndin and riled the adventurers and mercenaries up to fight and prepare I went to find the leatherworkings guild to earn some money.
I was not poor in comparison to the common people, but you never know when it can come in handy, especially in the next few days.
unfortunately I only got to do basic jobs of the lowest tier and did not earn as much as I would have wanted, but it is better than nothing.
When the day arrived that we would leave and everyone met up I was a little disappointed with the turnout, there were so few.
Only 15 people including me, could we take them, should I cancel the whole thing and wait for the big city's to do something?
I wanted to cancel, but I could not, part of my big speech was to lock myself in a situation that I could not turn back, I was already scared, but the low turnout did not help my feelings.
In the days that we traveled to the Crossroad Bazaar I got to meet a lot of people and their story's, each and everyone was brave and impressive in stature.
And there is 1 person who left a strong impression on me, not in the sense of unimaginable strength or great wisdom.
But in a sense of beauty and safety.
A wood elf with the name of Bryia Woodyn, I would feel calm and not be worried about the coming days.
A smile that would make me smile, a voice that could sooth a busy market and a face that would drop jaws.
I thing this is wat humans call "love at first sight", it was always a funny saying whenever I heard it.
But I think I understand some of it now.
Alas, the days passed quick when I was with her and soon we arrived at the Crossroad...