A well earned break by Thilivern | World Anvil

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Wed 30th Jun 2021 02:51

A well earned break

by Thilivern Tarav

Finally I was home, Wulvaz was in sight.
When I left there were only three houses, but now there were nine.
My dream to have a thriving city is growing.
I asked Bokrug and Jefferey if they also would like to build their houses here.
Bokrug agreed and payed the carpenter and lumberjack for his services, I also wished to move into a house closer to the sea, so while we had our break in Wulvaz our two houses would be build.
Since I wanted to help the village with it's grow I also picked up the trade of carpenting, but I am only in the learning phase.
In the four weeks of our break I build a lot of the houses and in my spare time I tried to research about the undead we fought at the Crossroad Bazaar.
Bokrug and Jefferey left Wulvaz to do their own thing and earn some money.
I hope they are back before the 20th of Mare.