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Wed 23rd Jun 2021 09:27

Religious drug trades and Heidan bonding

by Jeanne

It seems we're starting with a little downtime
And seeeeeemingly the people in the group already have another potential job lined up
Dunno how I feel about Thazz focusing on the glory in the maw kind of part though
At least there's some time to connect with Heidan and their bird
It seems we have a base of operations, even with some half decent locks
Nothing too big, but decent-ish
Also Heidan seems to have some Illithid related info
Spent about 4sp on lifestyle costs on 2 days
The talk with Ebrath (they) is rather interesting
They were sent to Heidan by a caretaker (there a a couple down in the maw)
The caretaker also gave them their sentience
Also they deeply care for Heidan
Something Heidan is pretty happy about
Mort thinks about establishing a temple
Also he worships Erathis o.o'
Okay it's the goddess of civilization and order
Kind of also innovation and community
Though he does seem like a little inexperienced
He even tried their luck with a religious consultation booth
Okay he's involved in a drug deal and supposed to get pink stuff from the maw
All for some stuff called ether
It also seems that their religious consultation stuff didn't go tooooo well
We have some nice talk about different stuff in the evening
Kind of what people want to do
But also how everyone perceived the tentacle person
At the next morning it's a rather okay day
A little foggy if anything
After a little shopping (tents) we start heading down into the maw again!