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Wed 14th Jul 2021 10:18

Flying dragonfly things and murky caverns

by Jeanne

So yeah, we're still at the whole resting spot thingie
About 10 people around here
In the morning there's most of the people hanging around
One of the parties are gearing up to go out early today
So we're talking about one potential place to clear out
Aaand we want to go north, which is okay I guess
Also I get to watch over our magic color shifting stones
So yeah we're trudging along for interesting stuff~
Oh and something seems to be hunting us
It's a flying dragonfly-ish-winged creature
Pretty opportunistic
Since the thing is flying we stick together and take cover in a cave
Though the moose is a rather tight fit
So we reevaluate the situation
Heidan at least finds a new place for us
Fighting that thing doesn't really pay
We have several hidey holes available
The furthest one actually giving us a decent fighting chance
Aaand we definitely take that one
Not really much sense in having us being hunted around and hiding constantly
The thing tries so swoop down and grab Mort
And yeah once again the fight is over before I even knew it started x'D
Also our group immediately starts salvaging the creature for parts
We also manage to retrieve 2 huge dragonfly thing wings
They're pretty rigid - We could make gliders out of them O.O
After that it's some cave exploring kinda deal
There's murky water and Thazz starts poking around in it with a stick
We stick together and sloowly push forward as nothing seems to move in the water
Iacopo is acting strange
He talks about someone being in there and being unjustly imprisoned
It's meant to be a sentient dwarven construct
And they weren't able to touch other minds before
Also Iacopo really wants to get to the edge of the water
Thazz and Siv join him in the possibly really stupid quest
Something something a thousand years ago used to be guards here
And that there might be stuff now
Then we come upon a smooth wall
After some thinking and looking around Sivrit finds a ring in the wall and starts opening the 'door'
We secure a rope and Siv dives through first
There seems to be a coffin and four chests
Thazz pretty quickly follows the way over there
Also there's splashing and ripples on our end