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Wed 28th Jul 2021 10:57

Graverobbing and adorable eldritch abominations~

by Jeanne

So yeah we're in the resting place thingie
Also I'm bunking with Heidan
Seems like Sivrit has some business with Heidan
Something about a proposal and probably Dawnbringer
Ok Sivrit was thinking about who should wield the sword
Though I really don't care all that much
And whether I have any qualms about the party since we retreated?
Kind of a weird buildup and question, but oh well
The next morning we're 'hoarding' more buckets?
Seems like Sivrit is now the official wielder of Dawnbringer
After some strategy talk we then head out again with Heidan guiding the group
When delving we leave some marks with the boxcutter dagger thingie
Something is watching our way
But we're stealthing pretty nicely
Siv and me go diving to the room on the other side
We make quick work of the door
No idea where the crowbar from Thazz is
It's a decent bit of a struggle to get the door moving
We try and do our best to move that damn door, but it doesn't budge
The others start piling into the tiny chamber
Together with Thazz and the pseudo magic rod we finally get it open!
At least there's air behind it!
There's some super slight sweetness in the air
In the remaining chests is some different stuff, like coins, a bloody spearhead
Also some silvery thing with a liquid in it
There's also a ring, probably magic
Also there's a second ring
The coffin is being opened and there is some sighing sound
And there's a pretty dead corpse in there with a nonmagical sword
It also has another ring
Meanwhile there are octopus thingies crawling our way
Seems like some things related to the Caretaker?
It also seems to speak common
And we talk to this "local"?
Okay it's a tentacle person
They don't seem to have a truce with the Ilithids
And so we're kind of part of it and therefore respected
The tentacle person calls itself Delunua
They don't have much contact with people on the surface
Last one was about a century ago
Those tentacle people are called the Omshi
This place seems to be a 'holy' place for them
They want to keep us as guests
Heidan mentioned the graverobbery stuff the group did
Well good thing I didn't take anything then
So I guess we're giving up stuff
Several things get chipped in, I chip in 1 silverpiece
The tentacle person then wants to show us the way to a place to spent a comfortable evening
I'm looking forward to their food
They're going straight for some kind of exit in a wall
Yep the whole gang starts following the tentacle people
Our way into the darkness goes deeep
They're then handing out some kind of crystal things (?)
Iacopo suddenly grows gills
All of us receive them, breathing air is a little harder with it, but not thaaat much
There's some slow swimming through dark water
We get to a pretty big settlement
They have various humanoid slaves wandering around in a daze
Though those have less fancy breathing helps and started growing parts
Then down to an underwater cave we go