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Wed 27th Oct 2021 10:29

We don't sell drugs

by Jeanne

So still kind of downtime-ish time
Mort goes selling drugs
Meanwhile I get Heidan to let me copy the notes on the tentacle people for my dad
And he actually heard about my dad before รด.o
Well that's a first
Anyway, he even helps out so I can get a letter out faster
Also he called me a friend, which I think was a first?
Meanwhile Siv is working on his poison darts
And I guess cheerful looks for a captain?
Heidan also actually makes drugs out of the moss stuff
He and me make a deal on who loses a game of chance has to watch and document the other one tripping out
Of course I'm game
And damn that stuff hits hard, not really that tasty, but awesome
Everything is so colorful
And it feels like there's dozens of small ants crawling over my skin
Aaaand Flavius talks without proper magic!
Lasts for about an hour
Then home we go
At dinner the drugs come up again
As well as the research notes
After some back and forth Mort tries some
But is decently annoyed with it
Also he doesn't like that stuff
Anyway we get another night of sleep
There's some minor preparations for the trip
We also gotta plan for some part of the trip being near the barbed fields
Very magical, very unhealthy from back from the last days of the calamity
Also magic things from back then could be there
As well as extraplanar creatures?
After a little shopping off to the harbour we go
The ship is called the Twilight Dream
On the ship there's some kind of twilight spell
On the way there I get the message to my dad on the way
And with that we're off