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Wed 2nd Jun 2021 10:01

Our first cave diving

by Jeanne

So slowly down we go
There's some abandonded houses by the side
Also damn this thing is imposingly big
Back in the day there must've been thousands of people living here
Almost as big as the capital of the empire
But not as much
We're looking for the origin place of the grub worm thingies
In order to go scouting, Heidan goes flying
When he comes back he tells us about multiple cave systems
He then soars off again to look closer
It seems he found a cave with a monster in it, that ate and spat out a coin he threw at it
So we kind of decide to go and mess it up
We climb up and start annoying the monster in the cave
It doesn't work
Then Heidan tries talking to it oo'
Only a distant scream answers him
Okay and it seems we're going in I guess
Haiden steps in and almost disappears
To the side there is a weird creature that looks like a super large round frog
Very rock colored and super glassy eyes
Okay Heidan got swallowed by the frog
The frog gets slaughtered rather quickly by our group
The cave was broad, but also rather shallow
After that we continue searching for caves
For that we slowly start going deeper
There we find a cracked house with a stream coming out of it and a strange glow on it
Now the real cavediving starts!
We start finding some weird stuff that started spreading
Okay and that stuff seems to be super adhesive
It seems to be able to be used for improvised wound dressings
We take some with us with our special buckets before we delve deeper
Heiden stealths ahead again
Then he motions us to stop