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Wed 15th Sep 2021 10:08

Nice waystation times

by Jeanne

So as expected last time, we get back to the waystation
It's mostly quiet, though not necessarily empty
Also we start doing nicknames or codenames I guess
I go with Chimera, Chi for short
Sivrit: Architect
Heidan: Pierrot
Thazz: Stout
Iacopo: Sterling
Mortimer: Bishop
There's also a new person in there and otherwise there seem to be quite a few people asleep
The new person is a drow I guess?
Okay 2 new people, also an earth genasi person with a quarterstaff nearby them
One of the people there seems to have curse removing stuff at their disposal
We're telling them about the slavery sea tentacle people
And also about the collar things etc.
The group will be away for about a day
And after that there might be some healing for us
Also this drow person with the purple eyes seems to be able to transfer curses?
But they need a new vessel for the curse that is also big enough to hold it
If the new vessel is to small, a new one is needed and fast
After that it's a short rest
Well or not because we start talking about Zelis instead
Where she should sleep
And whether she wants her curse removed
And what she wants to do after
And seemingly her fish thingie isn't a curse
Before we actually start sleeping (Zelis bunks with Heidan and me) Heidan asks her quite a few questions
And of course I still listen intently
It's mostly clarifications and questions about the power structures with the tentacle people
Seems like we killed the village leader of the village called Dundrok
They mostly speak Deepspeech and Undercommon
And it seems Zelis could teach us
Seems like Heidan wants to be the little spoon?
And it seems to have been meant as a joke from him
Well in any case it could've been arranged
Anyway, Heidan and me share a bed and he jokes some more
And I'm decently weirded out by it, since he didn't seem the type
He also mentioned something about business before pleasure and stuff before then apologizing for it
Night otherwise is pretty restful and nice
Breakfast consists of poultry & some kind of eggs
Siv then tells me he knows there's a dragon close by
Seems like he doesn't believe me that I saw a caretaker this morning
Well I didn't, but it seems like our group likes joking around
But no, he's dead serious
Could be a small dragon though, or a really big one, in any case it's really big
And less than 120ft. away
So it seems he wants us to go out and see before causing a panic?
Then a new guy steps in, rather flamboyant person
He calls himself Ori, looks rather elven
And joins us at our table
Seems like the Deepspeech words are pretty random, one was "Laundry"
Pretty weird and invonvenient
So anyway, Sivrit wanted to go scouting with me