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Wed 8th Sep 2021 10:28

Out of the tentacle village

by Jeanne

So after some time with the early generation hobgoblin-esque lady
Yep we're definitely still on the run.... or swim I guess?
Seems like some of us are struggling in the darkness
We try to get to out as quickly and quietly as possible
And yep of course there's guards in our way
Some of the small thingies seem to be swimming around with stuff we left
Though no idea whether it's some we saw earlier
We decide to go full on ambush on the wardens on the way out
I get my hit in and the fight starts
Nicely enough, they charge
They're super quickly killed
Aaaand get to the surface
When we get up we find a different tentacle man up there
Heidan seems to be fighting him
So we go full into him
Wam! I give them a whack with my quarterstaff
And he immediately tries to get back at me with weird fish corruption stuff รด.o
Well some more scales, and a little more need for water, I can work with that
As revenge the tentacle person gets knocked out by me
Heidan and Iacopo does a quick check of the other chambers for potential command words for these things on our necks
Sleeping person also might know it
We wake the tentacle person up
And Thazz and me start threatening them with servitude
Thazz fucks up the negotiation
Thazz and Sivrit also get some fishiness
He then tries to bullshit us about not knowing about the command words
Mortimer tries their luck persuading them
We get 3 of those command words for our collars
For Thazz, Siv and my collar
Goes off when someone else touches and says the command word
Gills go away, scales stay
Throat also stays a little raspy
We have some seaspawn on our way out
Under the cover of my darkness, we try to sneak out
Then we come upon one of the creatures
Not a super small one
We try to gang up on it quickly
We actually barely manage to dispose of the fish creature
And after that it's some tense, but quite proper sailing I guess
Then we go straight for the waystation~
So we finally arrive and enter the building