A dangerous release by Valen | World Anvil

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A dangerous release

by Valen Moonshadow

After the skirmish, we cautiously combed through the stronghold, encountering locked doors along the way. Our vigilant eyes spotted another bandit lurking, prompting a well-coordinated ambush. Poppy's stealthy strikes set the stage, and I attempted to channel the divine radiance within me. Surprisingly, I discovered a new facet of this power—I could beckon it from above, engulfing our assailant in blinding light, a celestial intervention.

The mysterious groans persisted. Worried of the source we quicky secured the door they seemed to be emanating from. Amid our cautious exploration, Finn, ever impulsive, after stumbling upon and opening a chest, narrowly avoiding a loaded bolt trap. Within the chest though rested an intriguing artifact—a small skull, adorned with Aether crystals, bearing the same symbol as mine. Holding it sent a tingling sensation through me, compelling me to keep it close, though its purpose eluded me.
The groans getting louder and more irate, we sought a way to understand the nature of the disturbance. Only after a while of little progress, Whistlesticks eventually confided with me that he could understand the noises; the creature responsible was a captive troll. I am unsure why he wasn't more forthcoming. Encouraging him to converse with the troll, it seems all he wanted was escape. With our newly determined purpose we wanted to help him, and discovering a damaged wall encouraged him to break free. The wall came down and the troll charged past us, driven by the pursuit of his captors. Initially reluctant to follow him we decided the catacombs would be our route to exit the depths, and fortune favored me once more—a shield found amidst the darkness heightened my sense of divine protection.
Yet, tranquility eluded us. A feral hiss echoing from deeper tombs left me pondering the wisdom of our continued path. The shadows hold secrets, and with each step, the line between vigilant caution and impending danger blurs.