Light in the darkness by Valen | World Anvil

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Light in the darkness

by Valen Moonshadow

A renewed sense of purpose gripped us as we gathered for breakfast, and over a meal, the idea of our collective endeavour needed a name. After much debate and consideration, we settled on "Order of the Freeheart," a title that resonated with our shared commitment to freedom and justice.
Setting out for the day, we stumbled upon a distressing scene in the market—a wolf being mistreated. A newfound vigour surged through Poppy, a feral determination that both fascinated and unsettled me. It became evident that something transformative was happening within each of us. Whistlesticks, our kobold companion, managed to patch himself up using bits from the market, and his command of Common seemed to be returning. However, our newfound unity faced a moment of peril when eight Sanguine Seraph guards appeared in the market, their purpose unclear. Though unsure if we were still of interest to them, we opted for a hasty exit.
Our inquiries with Whistlesticks about the tunnels led us to a discreet entrance north of the twin towns. As we ventured into the dark passages, I attempted to channel the light within me, only to witness a searing radiance erupt from my hands. A disconcerting revelation—I was becoming a vessel of light. This discovery left me apprehensive, a sentiment I kept to myself.
Pressing on, we reached the supposed storage area of the Shrouded Serpents. A mysterious groaning sound gave us pause, and as we approached cautiously, a dim light down some stairs revealed a corridor. Poppy, with her uncanny ability to navigate words, attempted to bluff her way past a group of the Serpents relaxing in a side room. In the ensuing confusion, a crash echoed—their own trap had ensnared them. Seizing the opportunity, Finn, Whistlesticks, and I swiftly joined the fray, our determination to work together proving its worth. I was swiftly reminded that I am a long way from my old simple life though as I narrowly avoided a crossbow bolt quickly ending this new found adventure. This light though is giving me renewed courage - a drive I have not felt in a long time. I can feel the power building in me. Right now it is erupting at times of emotion - fear predominantly, it came out again in this fight - but I must be able to channel it.
As the skirmish settled, an ominous grumbling sound lingered in the air, hinting at the unknown challenges that awaited us in the depths.